Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets ambassadors and chargés d’affaires of Myanmar missions abroad

Nay Pyi Taw February 14

    Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met ambassadors and chargés daffier of Myanmar missions abroad at the meeting hall of SAC Chairman’s Office here this morning.

Present were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe, Union Minister at the SAC Chairman’s Office (1) U Ko Ko Hlaing, and SAC Chairman’s advisers.

First, Union Minister U Than Swe introduced the ambassadors and chargés d’affaires of Myanmar missions abroad and the ambassadors who would serve in foreign missions individually.

Past situation of nation and latest developments explained

    In his address, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said they were called back at the time when the country was celebrating the Union Day to Myanmar to witness the its situation. The current situation of the country will be explained as they are diplomats who have direct relations with Myanmar and who need to know the country’s prevailing situation. SAC has been in office for three years.

He explained in detail the voter fraud of the 2020 multi-party democracy general election, the failure solve the problem of vote rigging and the attempts to grab state power by convening the parliament, Tatmadaw’s assumption of state duties in accord with the law after declaring a state of emergency due to the then situation, actions taken against the persons involved in vote rigging after conducting a scrutiny and announcing the findings, occurrence of noisy demonstrations in the early periods, adoption of terrorism methods rather than solving the problem through political means in the later periods, formation of illegal groups, CRPH and NUG, and conducting of terrorist acts by using their stooges, PDF terrorists, in 2022, the overcoming of COVID-19 with the involvement of loyal civil servants and the public amidst the political hardships,

PDF’s extension of its terrorist acts in some townships in 2023, certain EAOs’ provision of terrorist courses and selling of arms to PDF terrorists and cooperation with PDF in blowing up roads and bridges, coercing and killing innocent people, anti-terrorism operations launched by Tatmadaw in cooperation of Myanmar Police Force and the people in the areas of EAOs where armed terrorism broke out, combating online gambling and scams, in which EAOs were involved, in collaboration of neighboring countries.

When it comes to party politics, civil servants must keep a clean sheet

      The Senior General said some civil servants took part in CDM under certain reasons in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

Laws prohibiting civil servants from involvement in party politics are also enacted in world countries. The 2008 Constitution of the country also stipulates the fact. They can vote for the party they support, but there should not be any influence over their duties. They should clearly understand the difference between party politics and national duty. Ambassadors, chargés d’affaires and embassy staff should understand that civil servants are serving the national interest, and not the government.

For enabling international community to know actual conditions of the State Myanmar is exercising independent and active non-aligned foreign policy due to geographical conditions of the nation, and diplomats serving duties abroad are responsible for implementation of the state foreign policy.

    They have to successfully implement the foreign policy without losing sights over all events in neighboring and global countries.

Being a member state of the United Nations, Myanmar participates in international community and organizations.

But, due to the political conflicts which happened in 2021, Myanmar faced sanctions and pressures. Hence, efforts must be made for disseminating actual and true incidents which happened in Myanmar to the international community through relevant countries. As not only Myanmar but other developing countries are facing unfair pressure and political and economic influence posed by some big countries, it is necessary to endure these pressures for the sake of State interests. Depending on the experiences, diplomats have to consider to conduct deserved talks and to do appropriate ones for the interests of the nation. They have to make  arrangements  for assigned countries to know actual conditions of Myanmar.

Successful implementation of diplomatic measures in all arenas and assistance for Myanmar citizens abroad The primary duty of diplomats is to enhance relations in all realms and they are serving the important duties. They have to efficiently utilize their authorities in relevant sectors to promote relations based on political, economic and cultural exchange.

Personal and working relations based on enhancement of relations can contribute to achieving success in duties on one hand. The diplomats have to serve their duties with loyalty to the State and the national with national spirit. They have to observe trade promotion, import items of relevant countries and import items of Myanmar, and an emphasis must be placed on economic promotion of the state and the national. As there are a large number of businesspersons engaging in agriculture, livestock and garment industries, efforts must be made for creation of employments and generating jobs. If the country has foreign investments, it will create jobs for local people as well as benefit the State.

Whatever it may be, Myanmar citizens abroad are Myanmar people, so diplomats need to help them solve their difficulties as much as they can. Although Myanmar people arrive in other countries due to various reasons, as they have national spirit, diplomatic staff have to encourage and create mental security to them.

The government provides entitlements and allowances to diplomats serving the state duties abroad. As the government will fulfill the needs of accommodation and food of diplomatic staff, they need to submit their difficulties in relevant countries.

Contributions to education promotion plan on one hand

    Many surveys show that Myanmar is weak in education sector.

So, at a time when Tatmadaw took office, efforts are being made to enhance education sector.

Strenuous efforts were made to open all schools amid outbreak of COVID-19 and political crises.

At present, all schools and universities and colleges are being opened except some schools which cannot be opened due to terrors of terrorists in order to continuously promote education qualification. Ambassadors and charges d’affaires are to report on promotion of education qualification and encouraging learning education in their assigned countries for taking examples suitable for Myanmar to uplift Myanmar’s education standard.

Education is future of the State.

Weakness in education may cause some difficulties in building a developed nation in the future. So, the government is encouraging the education sector in physical and mental situations.

Agriculture, livestock and industrial high schools are being opened whereas discussions are in progress to enlarge learning arena based on conditions and possible positions of higher education universities, technological universities and computer universities. University education is of great importance and the government is striving for turning out necessary good human resources for the nation. Hence, ambassadors and charges d’affaires ai are participate in efforts of the State in enhancing the education sector.

People’s Military Service Law and Myanmar Reserve Forces Law

    The People’s Military Service Law and the Myanmar Reserve Forces Law were issued based on the developments in the country.

As every citizen is under a duty to defend the country, the People’s Military Service Law was promulgated long ago and it aims specially to safeguard “Our Three Main National Causes.”

The law will be implemented by taking proper consideration and an appropriate number of people from the designated age-limits will be assigned duties. The Myanmar Reserve Forces Law does not mean to recall all war veterans and only those who are suitable will be recalled. By enforcing the two laws, defence strength will increase.

The ambassadors and chargé d’affaires are required the study the two laws thoroughly and must be able to explain them after arriving back to relevant countries.

As the ambassadors and chargé d’affaires are people who are performing important duties for the country in the international arena, I have to discuss the issues comprehensively to enable the ambassadors and chargé d’affaires to understand the true situation and ongoing developments correctly and urge all to carry out one’s duties successfully in the interests of the country and the people.

Then, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister reported to the Senior General on implementation of foreign policies and matters related to international diplomatic relations.

Afterwards, the ambassadors and chargé d’affaires reported to the Senior General on bilateral relations and promotion of bilateral relations with relevant countries, attitudes of host countries towards Myanmar and diplomatic activities and the Senior General attended to the needs.

Then, the Senior General made concluding remarks, saying efforts are being made to hold a multi-party democracy general election successfully and to hand over state duties to the winning party, which are the ultimate objective of the SAC. In striving to hold the election, it is necessary to take measures to hold a dignified election and Hluttaw meeting. It is necessary that the number of elected representatives in respective Hluttaws is larger than that of Tatmadaw representatives.

Only then, will the election be a dignified one and a checks and balances system must be implemented in respective Hluttaws.

In striving to hold an election by taking lessons from incorrect voters’ lists in the 2020 election, measures must be taken to ensure that voters’ lists are correct and all eligible voters can cast their votes. To compile correct voters’ lists and to contribute to adoption of social, economic and development policies by the new government, efforts are being made to conduct a population and housing census. Demonstrations of Myanmar Electronic Voting Machines and mock trials of the voting system are being conducted to enable voters to cast their votes simply and easily, to get correct voting results and to prevent invalid votes and voting frauds.

In relation to an issue reported during the discussions, Myanmar is ready to accept people who have been in Bangladesh, if they meet the criteria set by Myanmar. The issue will be tackled in accordance with bilateral agreements to minimize problems.

The government has been handling ongoing armed conflicts and differences in the country in accordance with the law by exercising restraint for Our Three Main National Causes such as non-disintegration of the union, perpetuation of sovereignty and non-disintegration of national unity. As instigations and incitements of the media can lead to disintegration of national unity of the union, the ambassadors and chargé d’affaires are required to be able to explain the realities of the country to enable the international community to understand them.

In relevant countries, the ambassadors and charge de affairs are required to take care of scholars from Myanmar and their needs. It is necessary to provide warm care by holding discussions with expatriates who are staying in relevant countries due to various reasons and scholars and tackling their needs and difficulties.

As smooth international relations and cooperation can bring about favorable support for the country, you all are urged to perform one’s diplomatic duties to the best of one’s ability out of patriotism, the Senior General concluded.

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