Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets officers, other ranks and families of Kengtung Station, Triangle Region Command

Nay Pyi Taw May 11

    Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met officers, other ranks and families of Kengtung Station, Triangle Region Command, this afternoon at Pyi-nyein-aye Hall of the command HQ. Present were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Zwe Win Myint and wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung and wife, senior military officers from the Office of theCommander-in- Chief and wives, the Triangle Region Command commander.

Constant combat prowess and fighting ability and military knowledge and awareness required

     In his speech, the Senior General said the main duty of Tatmadaw is national defence which calls for total combat prowess and fighting skills. All individuals and units must be imbued with combat prowes and military knowledge and awareness and vision for national defence and security.

Preparations must be made in all seriousness

    Shan State (East) was a place with difficult accessibility. The government and Tatmadaw have been improving the roads, local economy and local food production since the past. Local units have given priority to success of farming and improvement of health and fitness.

Preparations were also made for socio-economy of locals. Local units must lay down advance plans for area security, territorial control in all seriousness. All Tatmadaw members must also make preparations for having combat readiness. All must keep themselves healthy and follow the health procedures.

Observance of disciplines in any situation will help enhance individual ability.

Study advancing military strategies and undergo training to have combat readiness

    Tatmadaw members must never lose sight of the ever changing military hardware in shouldering national defence and security duties. They must take into account the possible trends and make preparations to face them. All individuals must undergo training to be fit for fight, fit and healthy and physical readiness. They must be fit for duty to be assigned with appropriate task based on the ability to work. In this way there will be progress in the functions.

Have discipline and self-control

    Soldiers must observe the rules and stay away from doing actions that will harm individuals and units. They must also stay away from doing things that may decrease their ability and harm their families and organizations. They must build themselves through common sense and rationality,

Welfare being provided to the fullest extent

    Tatmadaw is fulfilling welfare, basic needs, health and other needs of soldiers and families. Based on the current national situation, Tatmadaw is presenting awards and welfare assistance to soldiers who are serving security duties and families. They must strive for the success of manageable farming businesses as these businesses will provide basic needs and welfare for them. Officials must systematical implement the social welfare undertakings.

High education standards of members of Tatmadaw families

      In connection with the high education standards of the offspring of families of Tatmadaw, as the school family day is around the corner, it is necessary to make necessary preparations to ensure that all schooling age children are admitted to schools. As good education can contribute to their career progress, it is necessary to support their education.

As the Tatmadaw has been continuously supporting the education of the family members of the Tatmadaw, parents are urged to place emphasis on high education standards of their children. Parents are required to create good education opportunities for their children from the school admission age to guide the correct and fine path for them. In addition to school education, children are required to develop habits to study outside fine literature in their curriculums.

United strength must be built by Tatmadaw internal unity

     In exerting efforts for building an army that can be relied on by the people, it is necessary to serve the interests of the people by the united strength and to protect the country while the internal unity of the Tatmadaw is very important.

It is necessary to nurture the spirit of fraternity and family and responsibly carry out orders and duties assigned responsibly. Staff officers are required to create a favourable environment for their officers, other ranks and families under their command and to adopt fair administrative systems. It is necessary to command them out of the spirit of good commanders and fathers. In conclusion the Senior General told officers, other ranks and families are required to live unitedly and to perform duties assigned by the country responsibly and asked their needs.

Then, the Senior General presented foodstuffs for officers, other ranks and families in Kengtung station to the station commander and the wife of the Senior General presented cash rewards for the station maternal and child welfare association to the wife of the commander.

After the meeting, the Senior General and wife and party cordially greeted the officers, other ranks and families who attended the meeting.

Agriculture and livestock breeding tasks being carried out in the command inspected

      Then, the Senior General and party inspected the agriculture and livestock breeding tasks being carried out in the command and the regional command commander reported to the Senior General on cultivation of paddy, corn, sunflower, tissue bananas and seasonal crops, the breeding of milk cows, goat and DYL pigs, fish and layer and broilers and Khaki king ducks and free-of-charge distribution of meat, fish, eggs and vegetables to Tamtadaw families and departmental personnel and distribution of them at cheaper prices to the people.

After hearing the reports, the Senior General said it is necessary to boost per-acre-yields in cultivation of paddy and corn.

Priority must be given to cultivation of staple crops. Similarly, Tatmadaw families must be encouraged to carry out manageable level cultivation of crops.

It is necessary to raise local chicken species successfully.

As the agriculture and livestock breeding are not mainly meant for profit but for the welfare of Tatmadaw, it is necessary to carry out the tasks successfully.

Then, the Senior General and party inspected the agriculture and livestock breeding products produced at the command and gave necessary instructions.

Afterward, the Senior General and party inspected the agriculture and livestock breeding zone of the regional command and gave necessary instructions over reports of the responsible officials.

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