Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets state, district and township level departmental officials and local elders from Kengtung, Shan State (East)

Nay Pyi Taw May 12

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met state, district and township level departmental officials and local elders from Kengtung, Shan State (East) at Kengtung Townhall this morning and discussed regional development.

Present together with the Senior General were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members General Mya Tun Oo, Lt-Gen Nyo Saw, union ministers, the Shan State chief minister, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Triangle Region Command commander, local people and officials.

Regional facts and development discussed

Chief Minister U Aung Aung reported on local points, regional development undertakings, implementation of the guidance of the Head of State, farming and development undertakings in the region, financial year wise progress, border export business, efforts to develop various sector including education, health and transport. Local elders and officials presented reports on establishment of more air services to Kengtung area, upgrading of government technological high school and requirements for regional development.

Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo and the chief minister explained ongoing flights to Shan State (East) and demand based extension programs, presentation of technological high school extension project to the relevant ministries after making an evaluation.

Rule of law and anti-illicit business campaign

In his speech, the Senior General said Shan State (East) was notorious for its drug business in the past. Illicit businesses including drug trafficking must be eliminated in the area. Tatmadaw has been launching counternarcotics operations for many years as a national task. Drug trafficking continues because of weakness in the rule of law and regional instability. Drug production and trafficking must be curbed in Shan State (East). Likewise the government is effectively eliminating online gambling and fraud and the participation of locals is also required.

Production of farm-based goods

The government has provided robust support for the production industry of Shan State (East). If the area can produce and export farm products to neighboring countries its income will increase and socioeconomy will improve. Efforts should be made to turn local produce into marketable goods by using advanced technology.

Adequate water supply must be available for farming undertakings. The area now has successful production businesses. Hence, the area must strive to produce farm products more and to support farm-based production industry.

Emergence of competent human resources

In carrying out manufacturing tasks, emphasis must be placed on modern industries rather than on traditional ones. To do so, it is necessary to turn out competent human resources instilled with knowledge and wisdom education must be encouraged. As the government has taken measures to create opportunities to study higher education in the Kengtung region, it is necessary utilize the opportunities most beneficially. As Shan State (East) is educationally weak, education has been promoted for a long time. It is necessary for students to acquire education seriously. Parents are also required to promote education. The government has opened agriculture, livestock breeding and technical high schools to develop human resources in the agriculture, livestock breeding and industrial sectors. Measures are being taken to open institutes, colleges and universities to create opportunities to study higher education. It is necessary to nurture health, information and engineering technicians in Shan State (East). It is necessary to study fine literary works to acquire knowledge outside school curriculums. To do so, the government has been placing emphasis on development of reading habits, expansion of libraries, availability of books and journals and development of libraries.

Development of tourism

The government has been taking necessary measures for tourism development in Shan State (East). Tasks are being carry out to upgrade Tachilek and Kengtung airports and foreign tourists from neighboring countries will visit there by flights. As the Kengtung region boasts favorable conditions such as natural forests and mountains and ancient heritage for the success of tourism, measures must be taken for tourism development. As visits of foreign tourists into the region can accelerate the money circulation and development of the region, local residents and departmental officials are required to make concerted efforts for regional scenery, accommodation, food and catering regional food items properly.

Regional development can be achieved when stability is restored

The government has been concerted efforts for all round development of the country and regions and states are required to do the same for regional development. As stability is essential for regional development, local residents must make efforts for regional development. If administrative bodies, town elders and local residents make concerted efforts, regional stability and development can be achieved and national development can be realized. Everyone is urged to exert concerted efforts.

Then, the Senior General met with town elders in Kengtung at the guest house of the Triangle Region Command cordially this afternoon and attended to the needs reported by them.

After the meeting, the Senior General presented miniature models of Maravijara marble Buddha images to town elders and greeted them cordially.

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