It is necessary to strive for having critical thinking by reading books apart from school textbooks so as to be outstanding in literature alone in pursuing education as learning education is good in school-age life

Nay Pyi Taw May 21

It is necessary to strive for having critical thinking by reading books apart from school textbooks so as to be outstanding in literature alone in pursuing education as learning education is good in school-age life; if so, new generations will be outstanding with capacity of rationality to analyze good and bad things; and good image of individuals will uplift prestige of parents and relatives as well as their schools, communities and the State, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the meeting with trainees, administrators and instructors from basic and advanced maritime course No 1/2024 and basic and advanced aviation course No 1/2024 at Zeyathiri Beikman in Nay Pyi Taw this afternoon.

Also present at the ceremony were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Commanderin-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, Commander-in- Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Zwe Win Myint and wife, Commander in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung and wife, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, union-level dignitaries and their wives, and guests.

In his speech, the Senior General said that the trainees havestudied the maritime and aviation courses without wasting summer holidays after completion of a one-year learning in order to contribute to themselves and the State. The Senior General expressed his pleasures to spoke words of honour to new generation youths from regions and states who attended the maritime and aviation courses to support the development of the State in the future.

Myanmar has been conducting maritime and aviation courses for many years. Since 2014, these courses were categorized as basic and advanced ones across the nation for students to have high capacity of knowledge, efficiently use holidays, to study subjects they are interested in, to emerge new generation youths skillful in maritime and aviation professions in the State. The Senior GeneralMyanmar has been conducting maritime and aviation courses for many years. Since 2014, these courses were categorized as basic and advanced ones across the nation for students to have high capacity of knowledge, efficiently use holidays, to study subjects they are interested in, to emerge new generation youths skillful in maritime and aviation professions in the State. The Senior General said he took pride of enthusiasm of new generation youths for increased number of trainees at maritime and aviation courses year after year since its establishment.

As Myanmar possesses more than 1,200 miles long coastal liners and is located at the geographically strategic position, it is necessary to fully manage waters and space territories. If so, sovereignty of the state will be safeguarded with full strength of defence capacity. Moreover, national races from the training will have unity and they have to harmoniously serve the nation-building tasks in the future based on fraternity.

Those trainees have been trained basic military course in addition to maritime and aviation techniques within four weeks period. The military training will help them to have capacity of obedience, disciplinary measures and cooperation. So, these subjects were given to trainees. Moreover, the topic on independence struggle and history of the Tatmadaw was lectured for enabling youths to know genuine history for fostering patriotism. Hence, they have to try hard to become the persons to uplift the prestige of the State and forge prestige and integrity of the nation. Only then will well-versed youths serve the interests of the State.

Therefore, the SAC is focusing on promoting the education sector and is also sending outstanding students abroad for further studies, with the future of the nation in mind. The aim is to ensure that young people, as the main driving force, participate in the country’s development process. This is outlined in the social policy goal of creating strong and capable youth who can contribute significantly. Since taking responsibility, the state has prioritized the education, social welfare, national awareness, and character development of the youth. Consequently, it is essential for everyone to strive to enhance their good moral character and maintain genuine patriotism. Only then will our nation develop and progress in the future with strong human resources.

To ensure that the summer holidays are not wasted, it is encouraged to maintain and foster the friendships and bonds formed among ethnic brothers and sisters during this course, promoting the spirit of the Union. It is advised to read good books to gain correct knowledge, follow the guidance and advice of parents and teachers, and live righteously. It is also necessary to remain loyal to the country and continue to strive to become valuable sons and daughters whom the nation can rely on in the future with the knowledge and skills acquired.

After that, the Senior General presented commemorative gifts to the young sailors and aviators. In return, they presented gifts to the Senior General as a tokenof respect.

Following that, Ma Nan Su San Di Aung from the Maritime Youth Training Course and Ma Thinzar Naing from the Aviation Youth Training Course first explained their experiences and the knowledge and benefits they gained from attending the Basic and Advanced Maritime Youth Training Course (1/2024) and the Basic and Advanced Aviation Youth Training Course (1/2024). They expressed their gratitude on behalf of the young trainees to the Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services and all responsible persons for the opportunity to use their personal time during the summer school holidays to attend these courses in maritime and aviation subjects, which will be beneficial for the future of the nation. These courses allowed the ethnic brothers and sisters to bond and learn together, fostering unity and national spirit. The courses were valuable and meaningful for the young trainees, enhancing their skills to work together and instilling a strong sense of national unity and pride. They also contributed to a strong sense of national identity and understanding, which are crucial for the future of the country. The young trainees pledged to strive continually to become proficient maritime and aviation professionals and responsible citizens who can effectively contribute to the nation’s welfare. They also committed to playing their part in building a disciplined democratic nation, symbolized by each brick and grain of sand, in their expressions of gratitude.

Then, the Senior General and party hosted a tea party for the trainees, while the Myawady band performed with songs.

Afterwards, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the trainees and instructors.

Before the honorary meeting, the trainees interestingly viewed things displayed in Zeyathiri Beikman such as weapons produced by the Myanmar Tatmadaw, uniforms for Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), communication equipment produced by the Tatmadaw, scale models of ships used in the Tatmadaw (Navy), scale models of aircraft and helicopters used in the Tatmadaw (Air), costumes and utensils for pilots and the exhibit of flight simulators. They were conducted round there by officials.

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