Strive to produce good medical officers, nurses, paramedics and pharmacists with physical and intellectual prowess, reliable for country, Tatmadaw and people

Nay Pyi Taw June 10

Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing held separate meetings with the commandants, senior instructor officers, senior lecturers, faculty members, assigned officers, students of master’s degree courses, cadets, and trainees of Defence Services Medical Academy and Military Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences at the convocation halls of the respective universities this afternoon.

Present at the meetings together with the Senior General were Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Zwe Win Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung, union level officials, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, and the Yangon Command commander.

Production of good medical officers, nurses, paramedics and pharmacists

In his address, the Senior General said DSMA was set up with the aim: to produce medical scientists with physical and intellectual prowess. It is turning cadets into junior medical officers and then develops them into senior medical officers through different stages. Basically, cadets must be trained to become the ones imbued with physical and intellectual prowess. Cadets must have the necessary body measurements, fitness and strength. Cadets need nutritious food to have enough endurance and energy for their physical training, and constant studies. They must take food in accord with the set nutritious level.

As the DSMA was set up to fulfill the needs of the country and Tatmadaw, cadets must try to be good medical officers skilled in every subject. In addition to medical subjects, DSMA is also providing cadets with military science. So, cadets must systematically undergo training sessions to be skilled in military science and fit and strong. Only if they study their academic subjects and military science through correct means, will they be able to serve their duties well. They must nurture the habit of observing the rules as discipline is the backbone of Tatmadaw. They must follow the dos and don’ts with awareness.

DSINPS was set up with the aim: production of nurses, paramedics and pharmacists with physical and intellectual power for the Tatmadaw that will safeguard Our Three Main National Causes. The role of nurses is important in the Tatmadaw. Tatmadaw’s duty is to defend the country. But the country is still on a mission to achieve perpetual peace and end internal armed strife that broke out soon after the country regained independence. The role of the medical corps is vital in providing physical and mental treatment for the persons who suffer wounds while serving national defence duty and the persons with ill health.

Doctors provide medical treatment and nurses, medical care. Everyone loves kindness and people with ill health want medical treatment that comes together with kindness. Trainees of DSINPS already hav the habit of showing kindness towards others. Based on this habit they must strengthen their spirit of kindness with their knowledge. A nurse must take care of their patients with kindness to ensure a quick recovery. They will become good nurses if they reinforce their habit of kinds with the  medical knowledge.

Teaching sector must generate skilled persons

The teaching sector must conduct academic science and military science classes in all seriousness as a proper ratio between instructors and trainees was reached through careful calculations. Instructors must concentrate more on generating qualified soldiers, rather than quality. In practicing stage-by-stage supervisory procedure through the guardianship system, instructors must conduct close individual training to improve the morale, discipline and knowledge of the trainees and solve their problems to the most possible degree through parental and brethren spirit. As only the professionals are appointed as instructors and faculty members, they must disseminate knowledge based on their experience throughout the life and subject-wise proficiency to bring about good medical officers. They must work earnestly to generate good medical officers who are fit and qualified. Basically, alumni of DSMA are able to provide healthcare, but they must continue their studies till they become outstanding in specific fields.

As the Defence Services Medical Academy is one of the standard medical universities in the world, trainees are required to be proud of their alma mater. Previously, only male trainees are admitted to the academy but female trainees are also allowed to undergo training at the academy at present. As medical science is an important discipline, cadets are urged to study it systematically. Moreover, trainees Tatmadaw have nurtured the trainees by investing time and large sums of money, trainees are required to exert efforts.

Consistent efforts must be made for development of lives by exercising selfrestraints  

It is necessary for trainees to continue to exert efforts to study academic disciplines by preserving the sound foundations of getting high marks in basic education high schools and goals of life journey in the future without deviation. The fine habit of reading books that will contribute to the progress of life must be cultivated. Books must be read to enrich knowledge in various fields including literary, academic and political ones.

The fine habit of exercising self-restraints must be cultivated. Drinking and seeking pleasure that will not contribute to progress of life must be avoided out of conscientiousness.

people can rely upon. As there are various advanced branches of medical science, instructor officers, post-graduate trainees, cadets, medical trainees are urged to exert efforts consistently to study new fields in medical science that emerge from time to time. Then, the Senior General sought information about and attended to the needs.

Then, the Senior General and party enjoyed the luncheon together with cadets from the DSMA.

During the visits to the DSMA and the Defence Services Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Science by the Senior General and party, the acting commandant of the DSMA and the commandant of the DSINPS reported to the Senior General on implementation of training programs at the respective hall of their headquarters.

After hearing the reports, the Senior General said the commandants of admin officers are mainly responsible for accomplishment missions of the DSMA and the DSINPS. It is necessary for all to perform duties in respective sectors and admin officers are required to take disciplinary measures while those who are responsible for academic matters are re[1]quired to nurture good medical officers and it is necessary for those who are responsible for training to cultivate physically and mentally fit officers. Similarly, officers who are studying for master’s courses are required to keep abreast of their counterparts in other countries in terms of academic disciplines. Therefore, measures for trainees who are studying for their master’s degrees must be taken so that they can meet their qualifications and exert efforts while sufficient teaching aids are provided.

This morning, the Senior General and party visited the Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital and inspected treatments for and recovery of officers and other ranks who were injured while performing national defence and security duties. The Senior General also asked about their health one by one warmly and spoke words of encouragement while attending to their needs.

Then, the Senior General and party inspected the hospital and gave necessary instructions on reports of officers.

Afterward, the Senior General heard reports on healthcare services and operations of the hospital presented by the commandant of the hospital at the meeting hall of the hospital. After hearing the reports, the Senior General discussed measures for the cleanliness and pleasantness of the hospital and its upgrading tasks.

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