SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses State Administration Council Meeting 1/2024

Nay Pyi Taw February 1

Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivered an address at the SAC Meeting 1/2024 at the SAC Chairman’s Office in Nay Pyi Taw this afternoon.

Also present at the meeting were SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dway, Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, council members and officials.

In his speech, the Senior General said that the National Defence and Security Council Meeting 1/2024 was convened and all situations of the State within the six-month period was clarified. With the approval of the NDSC, the term of the State of Emergency was further extended under Section 425 of the Constitution.

Since its establishment, the government has adopted the roadmap comprising a point that the Union Election Commission will inspect and expose voting frauds. The process was completed within more than one year. But, those dissatisfied with taking action against the election results staged protests and then unrests and violent attacks and blowing up. So, the ordinary situation saw deterioration. If all issues were solved by political means without terror attacks, the State of Emergency period would not be long like this.

With regard to EAOs, at a time when the government took office, some hardliners from KNU among NCA signatory ethnic armed organizations, CNF and ABSDF committed terror process. KIA from non-NCA signatories gave terrorism and mine explosive courses to those with different political doctrines and provided arms and ammunition. KNPP gave terror training to PDF terrorists with assistance of arms and ammunition in addition to committing tactics of attacks. These are acts of harming the ordinary situations.

MNDAA attacked Laukkai region with excessive strengths and drop bombs from drones on 27 October 2023, spending money obtained from illegal businesses, assistance from alliances and drug production.

Their acts harmed the ordinary situations.

The ultimatum visions of the government are to hold a free and fair dignified election. Objectives mentioned that upon completion of the process in line with the State of Emergency, a free and fair multiparty democratic general election will held and then State duties will be handed over to the elected government.

Upon completion of the duties, the government will hand over the duties to the NDSC and to hold the election and convene the Hluttaw.

The State Administration Council has been systematically formed since its establishment.

At present, the SAC needs to politically lead the State. To do so, the council is formed with most responsible officers from Tatmadaw and leaders from ethnic regions capable of working and leading the relevant regions and states.

The SAC is implementing policies in serving the State responsibilities. Two political visions are to strengthen a genuine, disciplined multi-party democratic system and to build a Union based on democracy and federalism. Two national visions are to ensure prosperity of the State and food security.

Prosperity of the State should be implemented. Only when the country is peaceful and stable with the situation for all to peacefully develop socioeconomic life and peacefully learn education.

Regarding international relations, everything needs to go well. Only then will the country prosper. Regarding food security, according to the International Food Security, we need to try for our country to be able to meet the world’s food needs.

There is a good foundation for agriculture and livestock breeding activities in our country, so we need to be able to use it effectively.

We are working on establishing five previous processes based on the political goals and national goals. Doing so is to successfully implement the established policies. The first point is for the successful holding of a free and fair multi-party democratic general election and ensuring stability and peace throughout the Union and the full rule of law. In order for the election to be held successfully, law enforcement must be implemented. Therefore, measures for security and stability must be taken. Secondly, we will continue to make efforts to improve the national economy and the socio-economic life of the entire people by promoting the production activities based on agriculture and livestock breeding that are applicable to the entire people. It is mainly for the development of the country’s economy. Thirdly, we will work as hard as possible according to the agreements in the NCA to ensure the stability of internal peace, which is the natural essence of the state, and the achieved internal peace results.

The fourth point is the strengthening of a genuine and disciplined multi-party democratic system and the process of building a union based on democracy and federalism at a rapid pace. Looking at the country’s politics, economy and the three executive powers over the past 10 years, it is clear that although the powers of democracy and federalism have been given to the states and regions, they have not been able to work properly. For example, in the process of amending the constitution, the Parliament could only file a report on the amendment, and could not hold a national referendum.

Similarly, we need to be able to fully implement the mandates in the governance patterns that are currently being carried out by regions and states.

Regions and states can enact laws in the sectors allowed by the constitution. However, law enforcement is not fully implemented. As a result, they have become frustrated that they are not fully working according to their mandates, and they are demanding greater power.

Therefore, I have always told the region and state chief ministers that they can do whatever they can to bring about the benefit of the region according to their powers. In using the mandates, it is necessary to bring out the benefits of the region and local residents and not to use them for the interests of the minority.

The fifth point is to ensure that the rights of all those entitled to vote are not lost and that the general election is held successfully. In order for the elections to be held, we must create the conditions, and there must be regional peace and stability. Voter lists must be correct. We must work to hold a dignified election and a dignified parliamentary session. In terms of not losing the rights of voters, every citizen must have equal rights regardless of whether they live in urban or rural areas of the country.

Therefore, we have to take time to conduct the election in accordance with the Constitution (2008) and must be able to conduct a free and fair election in accordance with the law.

I have said about the five point roadmap of the SAC, and the council members need to explain clearly when they reach the areas for which they have their responsibilities.

Although amendments of laws were made during the two terms of democracy governments, there are requirements to amend certain laws as necessary.

Such amendments are related laws and provisions must be taken into consideration.

Members of the SAC are required to think about them in advance in the long-term interests of the country. In connection with amending the constitution, talks will be held with political parties and ethnic armed organizations, which are signatories and non-signatories to the NCA and an amendment process must go through elections and the Hluttaw.

Then, members of the SAC reported to the Senior General on the needs to take correct measures to fulfill ethnic rights, to conduct the upcoming population census systematically to collect correct names, usages and statistics of ethnic groups and tribes, to raise the awareness of farmers to use natural fertilizers, to harvest paddy in Rakhine State in a timely manner, to maintain the regular flow of foodstuffs and to take steps to enable students in conflict zones to sit for matriculation examinations and intimidation of government staff by armed organizations and matters related to domestic stability and security.

After hearing the reports, the Senior General made concluding remarks, saying efforts must be made for economic development of the country and the economy of the country relies on manufacturing products based on the agriculture and livestock breeding sectors.

Education must be enhanced for the future of the country.

Without knowledge and technical know-how, political and economic objectives cannot be achieved. During the term of the government, concerted efforts must be made for economic development of the country and acquisition of quality education.

Better future requires quality education. In conclusion, the Senior General urged members of the SAC to exert efforts for economic development and educational enhancement of the country and the meeting came   to   a close.

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