SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers speech at Union government meeting 5/2024

Nay Pyi Taw July 5

The Union government meeting 5/2024 took place at the meeting hall of the Office of the Chairman of the State Administration Council in Nay Pyi Taw this morning, with an address by SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

The meeting was also attended by Union ministers and officials together with the Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman and chief ministers of regions and states through video conferencing.

Implementation of two national visions for development of the nation First, the Senior General delivered an opening address, saying that the government is implementing two national visions: prosperity of the nation and food security for development of the country. The prosperity is a wider range of definition comprising rule of law, security, smooth and secure transport, peaceful learning and peaceful operation of livelihoods of the people.

Prosperity of the nation The Senior General said that he would like to identify necessary sectors for ensuring prosperity of the nation.

In the security sector, some regions lack security and some townships and regions face lesser rule of law due to various reasons. If individuals cooperate with each other with security awareness and knowledge, security measures will be strong.

It is necessary to take systematically take security measures at different levels of regions and states, districts and townships.

If all officials need to systematically make preparations for security measures and do everything with security awareness and knowledge, breakdown of security measures will lessen.

In the education sector, it is necessary to take security measures for students to safely learning. Authorities in regions and states have to encourage all school-age children to have learning opportunities. It is necessary to arrange cent per cent attendances of students at the regions where schools can be opened. If security officials and administrative officials systematically manage security of students, those students will have to safely learn education. Moreover, efforts must be made for increasing the rate of school enrollment and changing of grades year after year. Increased education sector will contribute much to development of relevant regions and the country. Encouragement must be given to the students who miss chance to learn for various reasons.

It is necessary to create good environments for ensuring prosperity of the nation. It is necessary to carry out beautification of towns and villages, roads and regions, schools, hospitals and pagodas, and proper flow of water in drains, creeks and canals. Only when not only work process of development committee staff but residents from roads, wards and townships do everything under disciplines will relevant regions pleasant and beautiful. Everybody needs to systematically dispose waste and take responsibilities for cleanliness of residences for keeping all regions and towns neat and tidy. To do so, administrative officials, departmental officials and residents are to join hands in all work processes.

For greening the environment, it is necessary to systematically grow trees and flowery plants.

Officials need to supervise growing of flowery plants suitable for the townships and regions as well as parks. In accord with the motto: All residences must have trees, all residences must place trees. If people systematically implement it, good environments will emerge. It needs to green urban areas as well as shape rural areas with shade trees, windbreaks and firewood plantations.

With regard to traffic disciplines, officials need to keep traffic signs and marks in their regions in line with the Law of Highways.

They have to always consider how to develop, green and systematize their assigned regions.

Ensuring food security Regarding food security, rice, the main staple, is self-sufficient for our country and is exported annually. However, it has been observed that some regions and states do not meet the production targets. If these targets can be met, it would not only satisfy domestic demand but also increase exports.

Improving the existing agricultural products will significantly benefit the country’s economy.

Regarding domestic oil sufficiency sufficiency, our country primarily cultivates oil crops such as peanuts, sesame, sunflower, oil palm, and soybeans. If the regions and states that primarily grow these oil crops can meet their production targets, it will greatly contribute to domestic oil sufficiency. Similarly, efforts should be made to ensure the success of oil palm cultivation and production enterprises.

It is necessary to systematically utilize the lands designated for cultivation. Palm oil is also being used in industrial processes. Efforts should be made to find ways to increase the yield of existing oil palm trees, and to find methods to further improve palm oil yields.

Efforts should be made collectively to increase the yield of oil crops across regions and states.

Furthermore, essential basic food items such as potatoes, onions, chilies, tomatoes, and other crops must be sufficiently produced across the regions and states. If domestic consumption is adequately met, these products can also be exported.

There is significant demand in foreign markets for basic food crops produced in our country.

Therefore, efforts must be made to improve production yields to meet these demands.

SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers speech at Union government meeting 5/2024 Similarly, by-products and waste materials from agricultural activities can be used to produce animal feed. The agricultural and livestock industries are interconnected, and continuous study of unknown farming techniques and feeding methods can improve livestock productivity.

Successfully managing agriculture and livestock industries, which are linked to the country’s GDP growth, will lead to an increase in GDP. The GDP is composed of major sectors such as agriculture, industry, and services. The agricultural sector includes farming, livestock, and forestry products. These products form the basis for industrial activities. The products generated by the industrial sector are then utilized in services such as selling, transportation, payment, education, and healthcare, thereby driving the service sector. Therefore, these three major sectors are interconnected and must be developed in tandem. By achieving success and growth in the foundational agricultural and livestock industries, the industrial and service sectors will also prosper, leading to an increase in the country’s GDP. Each region and state has unique fundamentals for GDP growth, and efforts must be made to enhance these fundamentals to achieve economic development. The government is responsible for formulating policies for national development, while regional leaders must implement these policies effectively. We must not only establish policies but also oversee their successful implementation.

By doing so, the two policies we have set will gain momentum.

To systematically record and maintain records according to each sector of activity During the period when our State Administration Council government was in charge, we have made various efforts and achievements across ministries and regions/states to bring about progress and change.

There have been many dedicated individuals who have worked tirelessly for the betterment of the nation. For instance, under our government, we have been able to establish the Naypyitaw State Academy, Naypyitaw University of Technology, and other bridges and roads. Similar developments have also been made in other regions and states.

Additionally, it is necessary to accurately record and maintain records of the damages and losses caused by acts of terrorism and vandalism. Records are part of history, and due to our country’s weak documentation practices, some historical records have been lost. Therefore, we urge the importance of fostering the habit of thorough recordkeeping.

Regarding security, we must take special care to ensure that security-related information is kept confidential within our departments. It is important to prevent any leaks of this information, and those who intentionally leak security information must be identified and dealt with accordingly. Additionally, efforts should be made to encourage good reading habits among school-aged children and youth. Through reading, they will gain valuable knowledge, which will foster positive attitudes and a sense of duty towards national development and security.

There are young people and entrepreneurs who are interested in national affairs. We must join hand with them to develop the country. Regarding the banks, the banking system must be used by the people with confidence.

It is also necessary to properly monitor and supervise the banks that are opened in states and regions. If there are activities beyond the law, it is dangerous for the country’s economy, so it must be done in accordance with the rules and regulations.

Regarding INGOs and NGOs, there is a need to verify according to the rules of associations.

There is a need to verify the INGOs and NGOs because there are violations of rules under the pretext of social organizations.

In matters related to foreign policies, we are practicing independent, active and impartial foreign policy. Based on the five principles of peaceful coexistence, we are practicing a policy of friendly relations with all countries.

Therefore, it is necessary for the ministries, governments of the states and regions bordering foreign countries that are dealing with it correctly in accordance with the foreign policy of the state.

Preparing for holding elections The preparations for the election, such as the census of population and household, will be carried out nationwide starting from October. It will be carried out in every place where it can be done, and in the places where it is limited to work, it will be done to collect as much as possible. If necessary, it can be done in two steps.

Those who have left their homes due to various reasons must also collect and verify statistics by region and state. Only by doing so, there will be correctness in compiling the voter lists.

The voter registration will be conducted only after the population and household census is taken.

In order to make all adults, including students studying higher education, to learn about laws related with the constitution and the election and to be familiar with the law, the educational activities also need to be carried out.

It is also necessary to record about urban projects. In previous years, urban projects were carried out with the advice of foreign countries. Projects, the use of land and vacant land also needs to be carried out in accordance with the existing law.

There is a need for regional and state chief ministers to conduct field inspection of projects being carried out by districts and townships. It is needed to carry out the city and village projects in an orderly manner, the Senior General said.

After that, the Union Ministers who attended the meeting gave explanations according to the relevant sectors.

Then, in his concluding speech, Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said that there are two major events to be carried out at the national

level. The Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions and the National Sports Festival will be held at the national level. In holding the National Sports Festival, it is needed to have quality with standard rather than grandeur. It is a business aimed at the health and fitness of the whole nation, and the goal must be achieved.

The athletes from the ministries, states and regions need to try to participate in the competition at a high level. The ceremony was held in order to express the quality of the athletes. The Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held to preserve Myanmar culture and portray the national character. It should be a competition that can implement these two issues. Soon, the period of Lent, which is revered by Buddhists, will arrive.

On the occasion of Lent, it is needed for us to help the monks to observe the eight percepts peacefully.

The government is taking measures for the welfare of state employees. The state is planning to provide as much as possible for the living of state employees including retired employees. In the appointment of civil servants, it is needed to verify and appoint them in the positions where it is necessary.

It was reported that the meeting was called off after saying that everyone should work hard for the development of the country.

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