Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attends 2nd 2024 monsoon tree plantation ceremony of Nay Pyi Taw, Union Territory, plants gangaw sapling

Nay Pyi Taw July 5

The second 2024 monsoon tree plantation ceremony of Nay Pyi Taw, Union Territory, took place in the compound of Naypyitaw State Polytechnic University here this morning.

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attended the ceremony and planted a gangaw sapling.

Present at the ceremony together with the Senior General were the SAC Secretary, the SAC Joint Secretary, SAC members union level officials, union ministers, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chair, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Nay Pyi Taw Command commander, deputy ministers, ministry officials and staff, the rector, the pro rector, lecturers, students and officials.

Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General said the Polytechnic University was established on 12 November 2022 in Nay Pyi Taw with the aim of producing skilled engineers as high quality human resources, regional development, disseminating advanced technological knowledge as a support for socioeconomic development. The university teaches seven engineering major subjects.

As Naypyitaw Technology University alone is not enough, arrangements were made to open the Naypyitaw State Polytechnic University. Preparations are underway to add computer science and technology in the university syllabus next year, apart from engineering subjects.

The tree-planting ceremony was held to green the university campus in accord with the proud features of its counterparts, to create a calm and peaceful ambience for teachers and students, to help balance the weather, to further invigorate the habit of tree planting and preservation, and to build a beautiful environment with creative engineering.

Trees are very important for basic needs, health, and the social prosperity of the entire mankind. Harmonious application of modern science and technology and innovation in planting and nurturing trees enhances the effectiveness of forest conservation that will be supportive of the country’s sustainable development.

Thanks to the progress of the various branches of forest-based technology and innovative ideas, success can be beheld in a shift towards biodegradable products from plastics, the substitution of hazardous rare earth minerals with forest based composites in manufacturing batteries, and use of long fibers in the global textile industry.

In addition, new technologies have turned forest products into safe and durable goods such as medicines, cosmetics, and food on a broader scale for the benefit of human basic needs, health and social development.

Environmental engineering which involves biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, microbiology and hydrology has become a widely learned subject of vital importance for enhancing the environmental quality. Environmental engineering plays a vital role in areas such as quality tree species production, watershed management, tree, forest and biodiversity conservation, soil and water conservation. In this monsoon season, 22.332 million trees including state-owned forest plantation will be planted. Region-wise suitable shade trees and windbreakers must be grown continuously in the vicinities villages, towns and urban areas, apart from reserved forests, protected forests.

Forest conservation activities which include forest and tree protection, tree plantation and protection along banks of natural watercourses, prohibition of tree felling on mountains, establishment of mangrove forests, must be carried out with added momentum.

Trees must be planted and preserved consistently on both sides of ASEAN highways and railroads and forests in watershed areas must be preserved for sustainability of underground water and rivers, creeks, lakes and irrigation facilities.

As cooperation between departments and the people is essential for the success of such tasks, everyone is urged to work together.

A total of 1,426 seedlings from ten kinds of trees will be planted at the tree-planting ceremony and sweet-smelling seasonal flowering plants that match with the university campus like Mesua ferrea, star flower, Poinciana regia and gum-kino trees will be planted systematically.

The trees will grow well when preservation tasks such as soil maintenance, weeding, protection against fire and cattle are carried out regularly after planting them. Teachers and students are urged to plant trees to thrive, nurture them to grow, preserve them to last for a long time so that the campus and surroundings are always green and lush forever.

As the Nay Pyi Taw Council Area is the capital of the country, measures are being taken to make it a Green City, Clean City and Smart City. Concerted efforts must be exerted to make the campus green and lush and beautiful with sweet-smelling flowering plants at Nay Pyi Taw State Polytechnic University, which will be established with the aim of making Nay Pyi Taw, a capital of education and nurturing advanced engineers who are required for national development, and to keep Nay Pyi Taw Council green and clean with forests and trees.

As forests and trees play an important role in maintaining sustainable development of the country, security of food, water and basic needs of the people, socio economic development, clean environment and better ecosystem, all of you are urged to keep the country green by expanding the forest coverage in the entire country and to preserve natural resources of the country including forest resources with the use of modern science and technologies and inventions as a national duty generation after generation.

Then, the Senior General planted an Indian rose chestnut at the designated place.

Afterward, the secretary, the joint secretary and members of the SAC, union-level officials, union ministers, dignitaries, the rector, the pro-rector, teachers

and students of Nay Pyi Taw Technology University, officials and staff of the ministry planted seedlings.

Then, the Senior General inspected the tree-planting activities of participants at the second rainy season tree-planting ceremony in 2024.

At today’s ceremony, a total of 1,426 seedlings from ten kinds of trees such as Mesua ferrea, star flower, Poinciana regia and gum-kino.

After the ceremony, the Senior General inspected the View Point of Nay Pyi Taw State Polytechnic University, construction of staff quarters, lecture rooms, hostels, sport grounds, the library and other teaching facilities, organization of lecture rooms and assembly halls at the three-story main lecture building and gave necessary instructions on reports of officials.

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