Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing cordially meets officials of registered political parties

Nay Pyi Taw February 13

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing cordially met officials of registered political parties at the parlour of Bayintnaung Villa here this afternoon.

Also present were SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, SAC Joint Secretary Lt- Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members Admiral Tin Aung San and Lt- Gen Yar Pyae, Union Election Commission Chair U Ko Ko, union ministers U Ko Ko Hlaing, Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and Dr Thida Oo, Anti-Corruption Commission Chair U Sit Aye, legal advisers, commission members, and chairs, vice chairs and officials of 42 registered parties.

During the course of discussions, the Senior General said after a meeting with political parties in the first week of January, the Political Parties’ Registration Law was amended to facilitate their functions. Necessary legal amendments in connection with the by-elections were promulgated. Although the State will fulfill the needs of political parties to the most possible degree, they should also make efforts by themselves. Tatmadaw has already assured to facilitate and strengthen the course of multi-party democracy. In the multi-party democracy system, parties must take part in party politics as well as in the task of serving the nation’s affairs.

There are parties that represent an ethnic race, region or the entire nation. They need to be strong and must install democracy within themselves. The government does not wish to see any party become weak and deteriorated due to the absence of a leader or any dissolution of a party due to various reasons. They must be strong. Hence, they should strengthen themselves and should win strong support from their members. They should have the characteristics of admirable structure and unity.

As regards the structure, necessary amendments have been made for the parties to work in accord with the law. Moreover, a workable political and security situation must be maintained for them. In some townships, parties may find it hard to conduct any political activity due to safety reasons, but they should always keep in touch with the people in all possible places. They should accelerate their activities in the towns where they have branches or planned to open branches. The work of organizing the people to accept their policies and join them is called party politics, and from there they must serve the nation’s affairs. Party interest always comes after the national cause. When it comes to the nation and the party the former’s interest must be prioritized as it is the most important thing. Hence, they must nurture the practice of taking into account the national cause in serving their own interest. As regards the country’s current political situation, there are three points for the parties.

As the drive for national economic progress is a national concern, parties should play their role in developing the national economy. According to the 2019 inter-censal survey, the nation has a population of 56 million, and of them 48.2 percent is engaged in farming and forest sectors, 14.7 percent in handicraft and related industries, 10.4 percent in services and trade sector, and 11.6 percent are laborers. Hence, 84.9 percent of the country’s population is involved in the said four sectors. Members of the parties must play their role in developing and strengthening the four sectors in conducting party politics. They must strive with the conviction that the development of the national economy based on the farming sector is the national cause.

Regarding education, there are still many weaknesses in the country. Therefore, to be able to build a future country with educated human resources, the parties need to work hard. At the present time, due to the actions of terrorists, the education of many school-aged children in some areas is being affected. If there are weaknesses in education, it can cause danger for the future of the country. There will be gaps in way of thinking, vision and discipline. Therefore, the political parties should try to improve children’s education in a good way. They need to provide guidance. In engaging in national affairs, they need to participate in the role of economic and educational promotion.

Regarding stability and peace, since the independence of the country, there have been internal armed conflicts until now. In the peace issue, we will only stand based on the Constitution (2008) and the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). In a multi-party democratic system, there will be differences of opinion, but the demands cannot be made with armed violence and must be made only by law. The Tatmadaw will not accept such demands through armed struggle without political means. Regarding the amendment of the constitution, the Tatmadaw has already agreed, and the laws that should be amended will be amended through the parliament. If the law cannot be promulgated before the parliament, the Union may issue decrees and directives that are in effect as laws and act for the regions and states. If this is done, the regions and states will have more confidence in the federal system. In the sectors allowed by the constitution, there are laws enacted and they can be implemented by regions and states. But, without doing so, some places are facing difficulties.

The focus is on stability and peace to ensure a free and fair multi-party democratic election. For security, stability and peace, the People’s Military Service Law was put into effect. In particular, the law was already enacted to protect the Three Main National Causes. Regarding this law, there will be care and consideration, and the country needs to not be burdened. Only a decent number of people within the specified age range will have to serve. It will be done through a flexible approach.

In addition, the decree on the enforcement of the Reserve Force Law will be issued today. This action was taken due to the increasing number of ex-servicemen requesting to return to serve in the country’s defense force. It does not mean that all ex-servicemen will be called back, but only those who deserve to be called will be called back for duty. By implementing these two laws, the defence force will increase. To do that, the country’s economic driving force needs to be good. If the economic drive is good, then the political and defence forces will also improve.

When it comes to peace and stability of the State, we will continue to do what we should do step by step. Through this, we will continue to ensure the success of the roadmap, and the fifth point of the roadmap, which is the successful completion of the general election, which requires the participation of the ruling government alone, but the political parties and all the citizens of the country. The people who will represent the country must be selected only by the political parties, which is why this meeting with the political parties was called. So, they are invited to discuss and suggest what is needed for the benefit of their regions and the country, the Senior General said.

Then, the chairpersons, vice chairpersons and officials of the political parties which have already been registered openly discussed the needs of their parties, the suggestions for the good of the country, their activities being made under the guidelines established by the State Administration Council, the terms and conditions under the supervision of the Union Election Commission, the opening of party offices following the amended party registration law, concerted efforts for State peace and stability, the need for and support for the military service law enforcement, measures that should be taken for national security, measures that should be carried out in order to hold an election, and their participation in the country’s social, economic and other sectors.

After that, Chairman of the Union Election Commission U Ko Ko clarified and discussed the issues related to the registration of parties and the presentations of the parties and discussed conditions under which a free and fair election is being held. Union Minister of Legal Affairs Dr. Thidar Oo on legal issues and Minister 1 for Office of the Chairman of State Administration Council U Ko Ko Hlaing on the matter of the militia service law and the reserve force law and foreign policy issues and party political issues and, U Sit Aye, Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission, also discussed the legal issues related to corruption.

Next, the Prime Minister said that the political parties had fully presented, political parties participate in parliaments for legislative purpose as the party leaders have to work for legislation, and said that they need to understand the law better and civil servants can vote for the party they like, but they need to be free from party politics.

The unity of the party and the parties is also important. Now that only the approved parties are officially authorized political leading parties. Therefore, it is necessary to accept and follow the Three National Causes and cannot do any harmful things. We need to carry out these three national causes as a national responsibility.

The nation’s strength lies within. Therefore, efforts are being made to stand on their own feet. Political parties are also included in order to develop domestic strength. They gave many opinions about the military service law. For this, people must be educated to strengthen their knowledge and it is necessary to give time to produce people who have strong knowledge and love for their country.

The current situation is caused by the instigation of the media. All the people need to have the spirit of union. If there is a spirit of union, we will pay attention to these three main national causes. Due to incitement and lack of awareness, the spirit of the union is being damaged. Therefore, the spirit of union must be built with the strength of unity. It is necessary not to take actions that will harm the spirit of union.

According to the laws enacted for the parties, it is necessary to act according to the specifications established by the Union Election Commission. All activities must be carried out according to the law and regulations. If you do it with a good mind, you will get good results, and if you do it with a bad mind, you will get bad results. We want the parties who have to act in the legislative branch to take serious action. Arrangements for union ministers concerned will also be made to meet and discuss with officials. The present time is a period of preparation for the next free and fair election.

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