Secretary of Ministry of Defence of Sri Lanka calls on Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing

Nay Pyi Taw July 26

Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing received General Kamal Gunaratne (Retd), Secretary of the Ministry of Defence of Sri Lanka at the parlour of the Office of the SAC Chairman in Nay Pyi Taw this afternoon.

Also present at the meeting were Council Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Union Minister for the Ministry 1 of the State Administration Council Chairman’s Office Admiral Moe Aung and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Secretary to the Ministry of Defence of Sri Lanka was accompanied by Sri Lankan Ambassador to Myanmar H.E. Mrs. Ponnamperuma Arachchige Prabashini Ponnamperuma and officials.

At the meeting, they cordially exchanged views on friendly relations of both countries, bilateral cooperation in diplo matic relations and religious affairs, exchange of trainees between two Tatmadaw of both countries and enhancement of cooperation, promotion of cooperation in economic development of the two countries, holding of the 4th Meeting of the National Security Chiefs of BIMSTEC by Myanmar, and its active participation in the meeting together with other member States, and further promotion of cooperation in all sectors between the two countries.

After the meeting, the Senior General and the Sri Lankan Secretary exchanged gifts and had documentary photos taken.

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