Myanmar, China hold bilateral talks

NAY PYI TAW August 14

The Myanmar-China bilateral talks took place at the parlour of the Credentials Hall of the Office of the State Administration Council Chairman in Nay Pyi Taw this afternoon.

Present at the talks together with Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe, Union Minister for the Office of the Chairman of the State Administration Council Ministry-2 U Ko Ko Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Information Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun and officials. H.E. Mr. Wang Yi, Member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China was accompanied by Ambassador-designate of the People’s Republic of China to Myanmar H.E. Ms. Ma Jia, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sun Weidong, Special Envoy for the Asian Affairs Mr. Deng Xijun and delegation members.

At the talks, those from the Myanmar side discussed good neighbouring and good friends as well as the long-lasting and strengthening relation history between Myanmar and China, a situation to turn the 75th anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) diplomatic relations in 2025, firm standing of Myanmar as a perpetual and full of trust country for China, emphasizing restoration of peace and stability as both countries have initiated the five-point principles of the peaceful co-existence, endeavours of the State Administration Council to forge peace and stability of the State and carry out building of the nation for development in accord with the constitution, participation of Myanmar in ASEAN and its undertakings in line with the ASEAN Charter, making necessary preparations to successfully hold a free and fair multi-party democratic general election as the ultimate aim of the State Administration Council, plans to enumerate the population and household census in October this year to have the correct and accurate voter lists, arrangements for all parties to freely take part in the election under the Political Parties Registration Law, efforts being made to ensure a free and fair multi-party demo cratic general election, and promotion of further economic cooperation between the two countries.

In discussions, those in the Chinese side said that China is always supporting for ensuring peace and stability and development of Myanmar. China values the steadfast support and standing of Myanmar for the One China Policy. And, China is always standing for Myanmar in the international arena. Necessary technological assistance will be provided for Myanmar to conduct the censustaking process. Moreover, necessary aid will be given for the election. China called for Myanmar to hold an all-inclusive election.

The Myanmar side talked about that Myanmar does not totally accept any actions har ming interests of China through Myanmar. Myanmar is paying a special emphasis on peace and stability, development and security measures of China.

In its response, the Chinese side said that China will help overall sectors including trade, agriculture and livestock breeding sectors for development of Myanmar, with a firm plan to initiate an economic coope[1]ration. China supports unity of all ASEAN countries and exist[1]ence of Myanmar as an ASEAN member State. Current meeting and discussions are firmly believed to beef up friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries, and China pledges to be a perpetual friendship country for Myanmar.

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