Aung Bar Lay online lottery system launched; Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers address


Aung Bar Lay Online Lottery system was launched at MICC-2 here this morning, addressed by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Also present together with the Senior General were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members, union ministers, union level officials, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chair, Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Myanmar Economic Corporation chair, officials of Viettel Group, who attended on behalf of Ministry of National Defence of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Nay Pyi Taw Command commander, deputy ministers, honoured guests, artists and officials.

Entertainment programs were staged with the songs“Aung” and “The era of the digital in Myanmar” together with dances.

The Senior General said the goal of the Aung Bar Lay online lottery is to enable people to buy lottery tickets online with ease in accord with the changing era, in addition to the availability of print lottery tickets of the Internal Revenue Department, Ministry of Planning and Finance.

Aung Bar Lay online application will be officially introduced at the ceremony.

In ancient times, Myanmar people said “Aung Bar Lay (what a success)” every time they had done a meritorious deed amidst the many difficulties. The names of lucky draw winners of a donation ceremony were also announced with the word “Aung Bar Lay”. Myanmar people have the tradition of singing a song that portrays the success whenever they accomplish a difficult task or do a meritorious deed.

The price of a lottery ticket increased from Ks-2 to Ks-1,000, alongside the rising demand that went in parallel with the number and value of prizes throughout the successive eras.

Sale of lottery tickets with per unit selling price of Ks-1,000 and the maximum prize value of Ks-1,500 million started on 1 February 2019.

Public criticism of the weaknesses of the current lottery system is also noted. People are demanding to solve the problem of selling the lottery tickets at prices higher than the original price.

Since its assumption of State duties, SAC has been implementing the five-point roadmap in the interest of the nation and people. In accord with the motto “Move forward towards the goal”, SAC is striving for the success of the systematic programs benefitting the people.

It is also conducting peoplecentred development undertakings for the prosperity, food sufficiency, health, happiness and socio-economic growth of the people and the online lottery system is also included in them.

The government is systematically running the Aung Bar Lay lottery to ensure public happiness and to curb illegal gambling. In view of the public interest, the government has increased the value of prizes to 70 percent of the sales, up from 60 percent in the past.

The goal of the online system is to launch a modern lucky draw method that meets the advancing era and for the availability of tickets at normal prices for the people who will try their luck.

People will be able to try their luck through mobile application at any time and place at the set price. Talks were held at hluttaws during the terms of the previous governments to implement the online lottery system before using the digital lottery system like other countries. They could not realize the task due to the absence of the lottery law and other reasons.

The SAC has launched the online system for the people to buy tickets online, while distributing the print tickets as usual. At the time when countries are applying digital technology, Myanmar launches the online system for the convenience of urban and rural buyers in choosing their favorite lottery ticket numbers.

The procedure of the online application to buy tickets, make payments and accept prize money is so simple and easy.

Winners will be informed with SMS messages. As for the convenience and safety of winners, prize money of the small awards will be available online, while that of big awards will be transferred into the bank accounts.

Today, the launch of the Aung Bar Lay online lottery application is the introduction of the new digital lottery platform system, in which one can easily try the lottery using digital technology and mobile payment systems. As a result, it will be able to provide support for many benefits such as improving the state’s revenue in the future, development of the nation’s digital economy infrastructure and reducing the use of cash (cashless society), the Senior General said.

It was found that with the leadership of the Ministry of Planning and Finance, relevant ministries, departments and Telecom International Myanmar Co., Ltd have made a joint effort to implement it. Today is coincided with the 5th anniversary of the launching ceremony of Telecom International Myanmar Co., Ltd (Mytel) and I would also like to acknowledge the achievements of the past five years. It is a very big responsibility to represent the State in developing a new system. He would like to urge everyone to work together to make the Aung Bar Lay online lottery system, which is a new public benefit enterprise that has been introduced for the State, step by step and succeed, the Senior General said.

After that, Aung Bar Lay lottery history documentary and Aung Bar Lay online lottery system were introduced with a video clip.

Continuing with the opening of the Aung Bar Lay online lottery system, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister U Win Shein, Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Trade Dr Kan Zaw, Myanmar Economic Corporation Chairman Lt- Gen Nyo Saw and Viettel Group (Mytel) CEO Nguyen Tien Dung put gold coins into the piggy bank at the same time as the opening of the Aung Bar Lay online lottery system and Senior General Min Aung Hlaing put a gold coin into the piggy bank to bring good luck and launched the new Aung Bar Lay online lottery system.

After that, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister U Win Shein presented the logo to mark the opening of the Aung Bar Lay online lottery system to the Senior General.

After that, in related with the Aung Bar Lay online lottery system, Mytel’s Chief External Relations Officer, Dr Nilar Aye, explained the procedures and advantages of the Aung Bar Lay online lottery system mobile application download to how to withdraw the Aung Bar Lay online lottery prizes.

After that, performers sang and danced to the tune of “Let’s try your luck by drawing Aung Bar Lay lottery” and showed the display of the five year memory of Telecom International Myanmar Co., Ltd (Mytel).

After that, Major General Nguyen Thanh Nam, Vice President of Viettel Group, expressed gratitude on behalf of the Ministry of National Defence of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Then Viettel Group Vice President Major General Nguyen Thanh Nam presented a certificate of honor to the officials of Mytel to mark the 5th anniversary of Mytel on behalf of the Ministry of National Defence of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

After that, Myanmar and Vietnamese dance and music groups performed the song “We Love Myanmar” and the song “Let’s try your luck by drawing Aung Bar Lay online lottery” and ended the ceremony.

After that, the Senior General watched the use of the Aung Bar Lay online lottery system and officials explained about it.

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