Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects Tatmadaw TV Broadcasting Unit (Hmawby)


Chairman of State Administration Council Commanderin-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung MaungAye, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Moe Aung, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General TunAung, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Zaw Hein and officials, inspected Tatmadaw TV Broadcasting Unit in Hmawby Station this morning.

The Senior General and party were warmly welcomed by officials and staff of the Tatmadaw TV Broadcasting Unit (Hmawby). At the meeting hall, Director of Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun and the commandant of the unit presented a report on the brief history of Tatmadaw TV broadcasting units and Tatmadaw Radio broadcasting units in connection with the broadcasting services of Myawady TV and Thazin FM, progress in implementing the task and advanced broadcasting, airing of a variety of attractive programs including daily local and foreign news and general knowledge enrichment programs, daily programs of Thazin FM, work progress of TV and radio broadcasting units and overall requirements and the evolution of Myawady music band and mini-orchestra.

In response, the Senior General spoke of the need to broadcast authentic national and world news, news on latest developments and current events and breaking news in a timely manner and to air programs that will draw the public attention and knowledge programs, and gave necessary guidance.

At his meeting with officers, other ranks and employees of the unit, the Senior General said the unit was set up on 1 April 1990 and it has experience in TV broadcasting to a certain degree. Since its establishment, the unit has won public interest and achieved success because of its programs that meet the prevailing trends of the time. It has many experiences within 33 years.

TV programs must be beneficial to the nation and people

TV in fact is public relations. Hence, all must run it as a beneficial business that produces good results. They must review the degree of benefits the business is generating for itself and the nation and people.TV programs must reach every part of the country, and Radio programs must be available for region-wised stationed troops and local people as well as soldiers in the frontlines. All should be able to listen to necessary and correct information, knowledgeable programs and pleasant programs.

The goal of the DPRPW is “to inform, to entertain, to educate and to organize”. Provision of information, entertainment and knowledge in through correct ways amounts to launching effective

organization campaigns. Entertainment programs include both voice and pictures. The work of broadcasting of new areas of knowledge equals to the work of educating the people. Hence, news must be correct and simple, so, rural people will be able to understand them well. All the staff should realize the goals of their respective units.

Well versed in Myanmar and global affairs

Officers, other ranks and employees of the units must have the correct knowledge of the political developments of the country. Tatmadaw had to assume the State duties in accord with the Constitution due to vote rigging in the 2020 multi-party democracy general election. Because of the political disagreements over the Tatmadaw’s assumption of State duties political instability occurred. In fact, Tatmadaw took over the duties in accord with the Constitution due to the failure to solve the vote rigging problem in accord with the law. It is now in the continuous process of realizing a multi-party democracy system and is arranging to hold a free and fair election. Officers, other ranks and employees of the units must have a comprehensive knowledge of the country, serious conviction and belief, rich general knowledge, will to learn continuously, wider knowledge of the global political, economic and social affairs.

Active and attractive editing is necessary in broadcasting news and programs. As such, editors and supervisors are responsible for systematization. In broadcasting educational programs for the public, they should be really educational and knowledgeable.

Union within the Tatmadaw

Doing jobs means trying for one’s own life quality improvement as well as for the State. Clear conscience will ensure they are confident. Those engaging in the media business need to be more united. Coworkers need to work in unity. As they come from various regions, working with a family and brotherly spirit will achieve greater success.

Emergence of qualified human resources

Efforts must be made to ensure rich human resources. For this, there are two parts—constant training and further strengthening the skills of the existing human resources. With the required machinery for TV broadcasting, those machines and equipment must be well-handled and maintained. As history is valuable, keeping records of them systematically is necessary. Those currently serving their duties are writing a current history, so their achievements will go down into history, the Senior General said.

After the meeting, the Senior General presented cash rewards for the staff of the Tatmadaw TV Broadcasting Unit (Hmawby) to the commandant.

Next, the Senior General signed the visitors’ book, viewed the operation of OB vans (Outdoor Broadcasting Vans) and uplink vehicles, and left necessary instructions.

The Senior General and party then had lunch together with the staff. Meanwhile, the mini-orchestra of the Myawady Band performed music by playing the violin and harp.

Then, the Senior General and party viewed round the preparatory, broadcasting, editing and satellite rooms. After hearing reports From officials, the Senior General gave instructions on the maintenance and functioning of the worksites in parts.

Then, the Senior General and party went round in a motorcade within the unit.

The Tatmadaw TV Broadcasting Unit (Hmawby) was established on 1 April 1990. It started a test run under an analog playout system on 11 June 1993. On 27 March 1995, Myawady TV was opened as a military TV broadcasting unit on the golden jubilee of Armed Forces Day. A digital playout was started in 2011 and was started with seven channels in 2012. In 2015, English news and programs could be broadcast. HD broadcasting started on 27 March 2020. The station broadcasts local and foreign news, top world news opinions and reviews and knowledgeable programs daily. It is constantly trying to broadcast news and programs that can instill the flouring Union spirit and nationalistic spirit in the people of Myanmar, while it is also trying to remain as a reliable and active media outlet of the State and the Tatmadaw.

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