SAC Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets senior officer instructors, female cadets of graduate female cadet course and female trainee officers from female infantry platoon course of Tatmadaw (Army) Officers Training School (Hmawby)


Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing this morning met with senior officer instructors, female cadets of graduate female cadet course and female trainee officers from female infantry platoon commander course of Tatmadaw (Army) Officers Training School (Hmawby) at Myawady Hall of the school.

Also present at the meeting were Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Moe Aung, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Zaw Hein, the commandant of Tatmadaw (Army) Officers Training School (Hmawby), officer instructors, female cadets and female officer trainees from the female infantry platoon commander course.

Taking systematic training for ensuring physical and mental fitness

First, the Senior General said that those attending the female graduate cadet course are graduates from universities, and having social experiences from the university environment as well as social relations. They are mature to adopt decisions.

As they joined the Tatmadaw of their own accord, they all have firm concepts. They need to take systematic training for having physical and mental fitness during the training period.

They have to build themselves up with training to be the betterment of morale and take systematic training to have physical strength. They have to take daily training for ensuring high stamina and strength. The trainees have to follow the training with a strong spirit. Only when they have high morale will they complete training. Giving training on martial arts to them aims to fight.

Striving for becoming good leaders

As they have to serve as junior leaders, they have to understand leadership characteristics.Leaders shall be high morality, righteous and good moral over subordinates and control subordinates under consideration. Two portions of consideration are good- natured and goodwill. It is necessary to culture the good nature with farsightedness but the short term nature. They have to consider the difficulties of senior officers and junior officers and other ranks in serving their duties. Leadership means linking those at the upper and lower levels with responsibility and accountability. They all have to serve the leadership duties with goodwill. They should be good followers to become good leaders. They have to show their skills of good leadership with fair control.

The training school has given military leadership courses to them. At a time when they take a leadership role, they must have the qualification and capacity to serve as good leaders. They have to apply experiences from the training to effectively apply the military leadership profession without derailment of leadership.

To make efforts for having high conviction and concept

With regard to conviction and concept, they all joined the Tatmadaw amid difficulties and crises. Training schools have given training to them to become good Tatmadaw members. While facing difficulties during the duty period, they have to firmly grasp the conviction and concepts as they are good soldiers. They have to understand serving State responsibilities by the Tatmadaw with a soldierly spirit. They have high conviction and concept for serving themselves, the Tatmadaw , and the State.

Continuous efforts for setting ambition

The Senior General recognized their vision and ambition as they join the life of female military personnel. That female military personnel and wives of Tatmadaw members are reliable for the State and the Tatmadaw. The Senior General urged them to serve their duties without harming their ambitions and goals.

After the meeting, the Senior General and party viewed round the training hall, fulfilled the needs of officials and gave necessary instructions.

The Senior General and party inspected training schools, local regiments and units in Hmawby Station in a motorcade.

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