Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects repair and maintenance of ancient cultural heritage in Kaytumadi ancient town, Taungoo

NAY PYI TAW August 23

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by SAC Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo, SAC members General Mya Tun Oo, General Maung Maung Aye, and Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, union ministers U Min Naung and U Myo Thant, and senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, insp ected repair and maintenance of ancient cultural heritage in Kaytumadi ancient town, Taungoo this morning.

On arrival at the local airbase headquarters in Taungoo, the Senior General and party were welcomed by Bago Region Chief Minister U Myo Swe Win, Southern Command Commander Maj-Gen Kyi Thaik and officials.

At the meeting hall of the airbase, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture Daw Nu Mya Zan reported on points and historical records of ancient Kaytumadi, location of the wall and moat, field trip reports on Kaytumadi palace site, points of the forts, excavation and research of the wall and moat, SAC member Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Yar Pyae on new Taun goo prison project, SAC member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo on Taungoo detour railroad project, destruction of the sections of Bago-Taungoo railroad by terrorists and repair of the damage sections to ensure uninterrupted transportation, Union Minister for Construction U Myo Thant on new ward establishment project in Taungoo, and the Bago Region chief minister U Myo Swe Win on points of Taungoo District and regional development undertakings.

The Senior General emphasized that excavation and research on the city’s walls should be conducted systematically by experts. He stated that the restoration and preservation of city walls, gates, and bridges should be carried out in accordance with available information, prioritizing the renovation of moats and bridges. Subsequently, the city walls and royal palace sites should be maintained and restored step by step. Government buildings that need to be relocated should be moved, and designated cultural heritage sites should be preserved in accordance with the law. Regarding the construction of a new prison, he mentioned that it should be built systematically, adhering to security measures and standard guidelines. Similarly, the construction of new railway tracks and stations should be done with long-term durability in mind, ensuring quality at each stage according to the set standards. When developing new townships, green areas should be pre-planned along the roadsides to allow for tree planting. In the Taungoo region, he suggested that cultivating additional crops could bring more benefits to the area, aiming to increase agricultural output by 200 percent. Agricultural activities should follow the four principles: seeds, soil, water, and methods, to improve per-acre yields. To support food security, he mentioned the importance of rearing layer chickens and broiler chickens, as well as feeding and raising native chickens, cattle, and pigs systematically. Additionally, dairy farming should be expanded.

Following this, the Senior General reiterated that the visit was primarily to oversee the restoration of the Taungoo city walls and the Kaytumati Palace. He emphasized that the Kaytu mati city walls are an important historical heritage site that needs to be excavated. Historically significant areas should be uncovered and preserved, while new townships are developed, and government offices are relocated. Regarding the Kaytumati Palace, the confirmed locations, including the moatareas, should be excavated and preserved in accordance with the Archaeological Law. The protection and preservation of cultural heritage sites must also adhere to legal requirements.

Regarding the construction of buildings, it is necessary to carry out the development of Taungoo City in a manner that ensures compliance with the required standards. The development of new townships should also be conducted systematically. In residential areas, trees should be planted within the compounds, and green avenues should be created by planting trees along the roadsides. When constructing roads, sidewalks should be built to be genuinely usable for pedestrians. In developing new townships, hospitals, schools, fire stations, markets, and government offices that align with the standard of living should be systematically planned and constructed.

It is necessary to utilize water supplied from Khapaung Dam systematically and to be prepared for floods. In connection with education, the government has been fulfilling the needs as much as possible. The Bago Taungoo railroad section is often blasted with mines and schools for education are destroyed by terrorists. In connection with education, it is necessary to take measures to enable all school-aged children to go to school and all those who have passed KG +12 to go to university. When schools, which were temporarily closed due to various reasons, are reopened, extra classes must be opened. If students are taught so that they actually get education, the education of the future country will improve. It is necessary for responsible officials to take measures to improve the education qualities in Bago Region. The government has been exerting efforts as much as possible to improve education.

In connection with agriculture, agricultural land in Taungoo District must be utilize beneficially and it is necessary to cultivate crops multiple times. If double and triple crops can be cultivated economic development can be achieved and political situation will improve and affairs of state will be better. In connection with meat and fish, Myanmar chiefly consume chicken, pork, mutton, beef and fish. If livestock breeding tasks are carried out systematically, there will be abundant supplies of meat and fish. If agriculture, livestock breeding and education improve, regional development can be achieved. As Taungoo and Meiktila regions are close to Nay Pyi Taw and hubs for the country, regional official required to exert efforts for regional development.

Then, the Senior General and party inspected the excavation sites of Kaytumati ancient city, Yodaya Gate at the eastern moat and the western palace wall, the moat and Myolay castle at the southeastern wall and the interior of the wall. The Senior General said excavation research of the palace must be carried out successfully. In doing so, the foundation of the palace wall must be excavated along the wall. The entrance Bridge of the ancient city must be identified and reconstruct parts that can be rebuilt. The Botaloke Lake must be rebuilt. Priority must be given to excavation of the palace wall.

Then, the Senior General and party rode a special RBE train from Taungoo Station to Thaungtaing Gone Station and inspected the site where the new Taungoo Station is to be built before giving necessary instructions to officials.

Afterward, the Senior General and party took a train ride along Taungoo-Yedashe railroad section and inspected the main tenance tasks of the railroad, agriculture tasks in Taungoo and urban development.

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