Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets junior officers from offices and departments under the Office of the Commander-in-Chief


Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met junior officers serving duties at the offices and departments under the Office of the Commander- in-Chief this morning.

Present together with the Senior General were Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, Commander- in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Moe Aung, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief.

Tatmadaw and national politics

The Senior General said the meeting was held to provide the junior officers serving duties at the relevant offices and departments under the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Army) with correct information about the Tatmadaw and national politics, political developments and individual duties and other requirements. In any country, every citizen has the duty to protect his nation. Countries are different from one another, as there are the countries who fell under colonization or free from colonization. The task of preserving the culture, traditions and national characteristics is national politics. It also amounts to protecting the national interest and upholding the aged old requirement for national interest and politics, which is, Our Three Main National Causes — Non-disintegration of Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty.

The country has round about 135 national races and they live in specific areas in groups. They have diverse features, cultures and traditions. Hill regions and plains have different climates and soil conditions and a harmonious development is absent because of the gap in various fields between them. Differences surfaced based on the influence of kings during the time when the country was under monarchy rule. Colonialists intentionally separated national races living in plains and those living in hill regions during the time when the country was under colonial enslavement. Myanmar fell into the hands of colonialists after three Anglo-Myanmar wars. Lower parts of Myanmar faced a longer colonial rule. British administration was introduced to areas after the end of First Anglo-Myanmar War. During the time, upper Myanmar was under monarchy rule. So, the two had dissimilar administrative systems. Moreover, colonialists’ divide-and-rule policy had harmed national unity. Independence was a hard-won achievement as there was weakness in education and unity.

Tatmadaw members must know the history of various eras correctly as they are the persons protecting the national interest and serving the national political duty. Only then will they be able to serve the national political duties well. Historical lessons should be noted in serving the national interest. They should always be aware of and never lose sight of the country’s geographical significance, global political trends, and economic, political and socio-economic development undertakings of neighbouring countries, regional countries.

National political developments

They must have correct knowledge of the country’s political history. After regaining independence in 1948, the country adopted parliamentary democracy. The slogan of the independence struggle was “independence, first; democracy, second; and socialism, third.” The country after regaining independence adopted the 1947 Constitution written and ratified by the then hluttaw the same year. During the post-independence era, the majority of independence leaders had different political views which were a result of colonial rule. It can be found in historical records that the Revolutionary Council issued a policy statement to adopt socialism because of the historical requirement and the political hardships the country was facing then in addition to economic hardships.

Tatmadaw leaders noticed the difficulties and crises and managed it with farsightedness for the future of the State. In exercising the socialism, efforts were made to hand over the State economic sector to the people. Weakness of socialism and management caused decline of economy, and the uprising happened in 1988. Such an uprising in 1988 depended on declining of the economy rather than the political crises. After 1988, the Tatmadaw government came out, paving the way for multi-party democratic system in line with the wishes of people. The Tatmadaw led the drawing the constitution in conformity with the country to exercise the democratic system. In shaping the market economic system leading to the multi-party democratic system, private businesses were encouraged. Tatmadaw strived for implementation of the genuine, disciplined multiparty democratic system as the people aspired to.

A democratic government emerged from the first multiparty democratic election 2010, and the Tatmadaw joined hands with it. In the second term of the democratic government which came out from the 2015 general election, the Tatmadaw gave suitable advice to the government based on experiences. But, its effectiveness was weak. At a time when COVID-19 broke out, as the government faced a large crisis, the Tatmadaw helped solve the problems. Although Tatmadaw spoke out that the 2020 election should be free and fair for several times, it was seen that they used unscrupulous ways in the election for winning. Tatmadaw urged the government to solve the differences in the voter lists but the government did not solve anything. Moreover, it attempted to convene the Hluttaw with unapproved Hluttaw representatives so as to grab State power. So, Tatmadaw took the State responsibilities under the Constitution. It intended to just strengthening the multi-party democratic system on which the State walks and which the people aspire to, and the Tatmadaw will not derail from such way. In this regard, the Tatmadaw is striving for stability of the State under the law and serving the State responsibilities under the Constitution (2008).

The State Administration Council is cementing the multiparty democratic system and focusing on building the Union based on democracy and federalism as the political aim. Moreover, two national processes have been adopted for ensuring prosperity of the State and food sufficiency. Tatmadaw is striving for all-round development of the State amid crises and difficulties. The last point of the five-point roadmap of the State Administration Council: Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the wining party in accordance with democratic standards will be implemented without fail for ensuring peace and stability of the State and development.

Needs for emphasizing individual serving duties without losing ambitions

All Tatmadaw members joined the Tatmadaw without urging of anyone. They have to do everything without losing their ambitions and aims. Everybody wishes improvement of life and they are always trying hard to possess knowledge and skills essential for development. They have to learn literature, languages and technologies beneficial for their lives. They all have to initiate proper lifestyle and physical movement for ensuring health and fitness.

The Senior General stressed the need for them to be loyal to themselves, their employment, their families and the State. They must have high belief and concept over themselves, Tatmadaw and the State. Everybody sets aims for their lives. They should try hard to meet their aims. In so doing, if they can control themselves with conscience and knowledge to meet the target duties, they will embrace success in their assignments.

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