Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence  Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects measures taken for regional peace and stability within Central Command Headquarters, visits security personnel receiving medical treatment at local military hospital

NAY PYI TAW August 26

Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, along with SAC member Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Htein Win, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung, Union-level officials, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in- Chief and responsible personnel, inspected the measures being undertaken for regional peace and stability within the Central Command Headquarters this morning.

Firstly, in the meeting hall of the Central Command Headquarters, Commander Brig-Gen Kyaw Ko Htaik presented on the ongoing security responsibilities within the Central Command, the current situation where some EAO groups and PDF insurgents are disrupting regional peace and stability, the situation of innocent civilians being brutally murdered, the planting and detonation of mines to destroy communication routes, bridges, railway tracks, and communication towers, and the continued security operations by the Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force to maintain regional peace and stability.

Regarding the briefings, the Senior General stated the necessity to systematically carry out regional peace and stability operations to ensure the security of the lives, property, and wellbeing of the people. He emphasized that the People’s Militias, war veterans, and members of the Myanmar Police Force must collaborate to ensure regional security and stability. He also stressed the importance of taking

long-term considerations into account when carrying out operations to ensure regional peace and stability and the smooth and secure functioning of transportation and communication. Additionally, he highlighted the need to improve the capabilities of Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force members and the necessity

of continuously receiving security-related information. He provided guidance on other requirements related to regional security and stability.

Afterward, the Senior General and party visited the local military hospital within the Mandalay Palace to meet with officers, other ranks, members of the Myanmar Police Force, and members of the People’s Militias who were injured while performing their national defence and security duties. They inquired about the conditions of the injured individuals and their recovery status, engaging with them warmly and encouragingly. Based on the reports presented by the officers and other ranks, necessary assistance and support were provided.

Afterward, the Senior General and party presented honorariums and gifts to the officers, other ranks, members of the Myanmar Police Force and members of the People’s Militias who were receiving medical treatment at the hospital. Similarly, the wife of the Senior General, along with her accompanying members, visited the female ward of the hospital to encourage and offer words of support to the family members of the officers and other ranks who were receiving medical treatment.

They also presented honorariums and gifts. Later, the Senior General inquired about the hospital’s needs and provided necessary assistance.

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