SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing confers honorary title on Russian Ambassador to Myanmar


Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing conferred honorary title Wunna Kyaw Htin on Russian Ambassador to Myanmar H. E. Dr.Nikolay LISTOPADOV for his performances in firmly initiating friendly relations and cooperation between Myanmar and Russia at the Credentials Hall of the SAC Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Taw this morning.

Also present at the ceremony were Secretary of the council Lt-Gen Zeya Kyaw Htin Sithu Ye Win Oo, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs Thiri Pyanchi U Than Swe, SAC Office Permanent Secretary U Khin Latt and officials, and officials of the Russian Embassy to Myanmar.

SAC Office Permanent Secretary U Khin Latt read the order to confer the title. The Senior General conferred the title and regalia on Russian Ambassador to Myanmar H.E. Dr. Nikolay LISTOPADOV for his performances in firmly initiating friendly relations and cooperation between Myanmar and Russia.

In his speech, the Senior General, on behalf of Myanmar, congratulated the Russian Ambassador to Myanmar on his delightedness for conferring the honorary title Wunna Kyaw Htin. As the ambassador served in various capacities from the ordinary embassy staff to the ambassador in Myanmar for 14 years and faced successive eras of Myanmar, he has accumulated many experiences on Myanmar. During his term of ambassador, Myanmar- Russia diplomatic relations turned 75 years. During the period, the ambassador served the wider range of service amid political changes. As he served more enhancement of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the honorary title was conferred on him. Currently, the ambassador is going to return to Russia due to completion of his tour of duty. During the seven years term of ambassador, he made concerted efforts for defence, international affairs and bilateral relations as well as the best performance for development of Myanmar. On his arrival back in Russia, the Senior General requested the ambassador to perform further widening the cooperation arena of both countries and further improvement of friendly relations. Bilateral cooperation has been improving since the time of Tatmadaw government, and the Senior General recounted in his term, the bilateral cooperation reached the top position. Assistance and cooperation of Russian is playing a key role in development of Myanmar. Myanmar students attended the universities in Russian to turn out necessary human resources for Myanmar. The Senior General expressed his satisfaction with service term of the Russian Ambassador in Myanmar. With regard to conferring honorary title on foreign ambassador to Myanmar, the Russian Ambassador was the first title recipient. Such coffering of title intended to excellent performance of Russian ambassador in bilateral ties and cooperation between the two countries. In the future, it will be a chance to confer the titles on ambassadors for excellent performance in cooperation and international affairs with relevant countries.

The Russian Ambassador expressed his thanks for coffering the honorary title on him. He took pride in receiving the title for diplomats from the Russian embassy and all staff and families. He said he strived for development of cooperation between the countries in his term. As relations between both countries reached the advanced position, it gained the greater progress. The ambassador said that the Senior General openly discussed bilateral relations with Russian Federation President H.E. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin during the 7th Eastern Economic Forum held in Vladivostok of Russia in last September. Due to mutual understanding, trust and respects, cooperation improved. Primarily, enhancement of cooperation is important in defence, politics, trade, economics and investment arenas. Education is of importance in turning out human resources. Scholarship students from Myanmar were allowed to learn in Russia. Some of them have got doctoral degrees. Both countries mutually cooperate in religious affairs. He said he served in Myanmar for 14 years and experienced political changes.

The ambassador pledged to further enhance bilateral relations and cooperation with concerted efforts. According to the history, both countries have been cementing relations and friendly ties. In the future, further development will be undertaken. He expressed his recognition over the Senior General for efforts to restore perpetual peace in Myanmar. He expressed his firm belief that Myanmar would restore peace, security, stability and rule of law. Russia will provide necessary assistance to Myanmar. The ambassador pledged to expedite efforts for friendly ties and cooperation between the two countries and expressed his delightedness for receiving the honorary title.

Afterwards, the Senior General and the Russian Ambassador discussed trade promotion between the two countries, economic cooperation, promotion of tourism industry, and promotion of cooperation in education, health, industry, science and technology, sports and cultural sectors.

Later, the Senior General and the Russian Ambassador had documentary photos taken.

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