SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing gives words of encouragement to departmental personnel, town elders from disaster hit Yathedaung and Buthidaung townships of Rakhine State, officers, other ranks and families from stations, fulfills necessary requirements


Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by his members, the Chief Minister of Rakhine State, the commander of Western Command and officials, this afternoon, met with departmental personnel and town elders in Yathedaung and Bithudaung townships of Rakhine State and officers, other ranks and families of stations separately and fulfilled the requirements.

If the government, Tatmadaw and people are unity, regions in individuals as well as the whole State will develop

In separately meeting with officers, other ranks and families of Yathedaung and Buthidaung stations at local battalion halls, the Senior General said that cyclone Mocha hit Rakhine State on 14 May. The Senior General recounted that he arrived in Sittwe Station of Rakhine State on 15 May and gave necessary guidance after viewing losses and damages in the natural disaster. SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Commander-in- Chief of Defense Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win and senior military officers toured other stations in the area of Western Command to inspect losses and damaged for managing necessary measures for soonest launching rehabilitation measures.

As Yathedaung Station is located on the route of the storm, it suffered severe impacts of storm with losses and damage.

Arrangements are being made to do reconstruction for damaged parts whereas families need to repair necessary measures as much as they can. As now is rainy season, priority must be given to safe and secure accommodation. Buthidaung Station faced slight loss and damage in the event.

Due to completion of preparations at a time storm Mocha fell in Rakhine State, all could overcome difficulties with least casualties. Tatmadaw is serving the State duties with goodwill for the State without trembling against misdeeds of others.

While serving the State responsibilities, the Tatmadaw faces attacks in all aspects and sanctions imposed. In encountering the political crises, storm Mocha fell in Rakhine State, and so, relief and rehabilitation measures may have some requirements.

Necessary strengths are applied in relief and rehabilitation for storm hit areas as much as possible. Well-wishers donated cash to the fund for the storm hit areas with goodwill. Some foreign countries also gave aid. In line with the motto: The strength of the nation lies within, relief and rehabilitation measures were taken depending on the internal strength.

The natural disasters caused losses and damage at military units in relevant areas. So, efforts are being made to repair the necessary measures. In so doing, an emphasis is being placed

on long term strengthening of these materials, so it will take a long time. Hence, officers, other ranks and families need to endure the difficulties with high spirit.

Every Tatmadaw member must be skillful in martial arts and military technologies in defending themselves, their regions and the mother land.

Moreover, they must be healthy and fit for taking training. Hence, they have to follow healthy lifestyle and consumption. They have to control themselves in individuals for drinking and smoking. They should not indulge themselves to have achievement in their lives.

As local people are ethnics of the nation, residing in the same places through thick and thin,they all have to serve each other in fraternity so as to contribute to regional development.

They have to strive for fostering unity inside and outside the military units. In the disaster-hit time, the government and the Tatmadaw are joining hands in serving the interests of the regions.

Only when the government, the Tatmadaw and the people are in unity will each region as well as the whole country develop.

The Senior General presented foodstuffs for military units from relevant stations and wife of the Senior General gave cash assistance for the station maternal and child welfare association to officials.

After the meetings, the Senior General and party cordially greeted officers, other ranks and families and inspected the regiments and units of the stations in a motorcade.

Afterwards, the Senior General separately met with departmental personnel serving in Yathedaung and Buthidaung and town elders at the halls of township General Administration Departments.

Maj-Gen Aung Myo Tun from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, assigned special duties in Yathedaung Township and town elders reported on loss and damaged caused by cyclone Mocha, search, rescue and rehabilitation tasks, relief aid supplies, plans to build shelters resistant to natural disasters, needs to continue the supply of rice, cooking oil and tarpaulins,

repair the significant religious buildings damaged by the storm in Buthidaung and make the Maungtaw – Buthidaung transport route neat and tidy, and necessary measures to fill OG vacancies in Buthidaung Township Hospital and build a drinking water tank for summer The Senior General said he came to Yathedaung and Buthidaung townships to fulfill needs in the aftermath of the cyclone.

Although road transport was poor in these townships, it has now improved to a certain degree.

Natural disasters are unavoidable but loss and damage can be minimized through preparedness measures.

As to requirements of aid supplies, they will be systematically provided in order of priority.

Plans will also be made to appoint required health staff members as quickly as possible.

Yathedaung was on a track of the storm, so great loss and damage occurred. Thanks to the preparedness measures, only about 37 people died. Rehabilitation tasks are a must, but focus must be placed on long durability as a natural disaster may come at any time.

Yathedaung has progressed more than ever. Yet, it is necessary to have a systematic town plan with all town dwellers living in a disciplined manner. With greater development, the town also needs to improve traffic rules and living standards.

Self-reliance is necessary for economic growth. The strength of a nation lies within. The State for its part will provide relief and food supplies.

The establishment of industries based on already existing agricultural and livestock resources will contribute to regional development. Buthidaung has a lot of arable land that needs to be effectively used. Meat and fish needs can also be met with systematic livestock breeding.

By doing so, per capita income and living standards will improve.

Income should be earned through legal ways. Measures must be taken to ensure no illicit drug production and smuggling.

As it is the westernmost part of the country, the town must be protected with a nationalistic spirit. As they live within Myanmar, they need to act loyally. All those living on the same land and drinking the same water need to be united.

National prosperity and food sufficiency are the country’s national aim. Socio-economic development and regional progress can be brought about by those living in that region.

Water resources the region possess must be efficiently tapped. With regional peace and stability, regional development tasks can be carried out quickly.

So, measures are necessary to ensure regional peace and stability. Human resources are essential for ensuring regional development, so education must be encouraged. Younger generation must be nurtured for greater development. Education must be encouraged to have a brighter future for them.

Education must also be improved to ensure greater regional development in future.

Skills and knowledge must be sought through schooling that will bring about regional and national progress, said the Senior General.

After the meetings, the Senior General presented relief supplies to officials and town elders from the respective townships.

Then, the Senior General and party cordially greeted those present.

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