Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects rehabilitation activities in Sittwe, Rakhine State, and gives necessary guidance


Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing,accompanied by Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members General Mya Tun Oo, Dr Aung Kyaw Min, Lt- Gen Yar Pyae, union ministers, the Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air), senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, and officials, arrived at Sittwe in Rakhine, which was hit by natural disaster, inspected rehabilitation activities and gave necessary guidance.

Sanitation and beautification of Sittwe and Shukintha Road The Senior General and party left the airport and observed rehabilitation activities in Sittwe and the road in a motorcade.

Rakhin State Chief Minister U Htein Lin, Union Minister for Construction U Myo Thant and officials reported on ongoing repair works in the areas along the road at the View Point that were damaged by the cyclone Mocha.

In response, the Senior General said long-term benefit of the areas must be prioritized more than the cost. Shukintha Road must be turn into the ring road running along the sea beach.

Motorways and platforms should be systematically built and the road must be extended till they are safe for the public. The ring road must include fitness areas and passages to the beach and drainage system. As earth and sand can weaken the road’s durability, it must be kept clean.

The Senior General and party inspected the View Point and spoke of the need to restore its former pleasantness and beautify.

They then inspected rehabilitation activities along Shukintha Road.

Relief and rehabilitation equipment distribution inspected, honorary cash awards presented At the multipurpose port, the Senior General and party inspected preparations to distribute relief and rehabilitation aid, being unloaded from MV ROYAL VENUS by manpower and machine power, to storm-hit areas and looked into the requirements of the reports presented by officials.

The Senior General gave words to encourage to members of Myanmar Police Force, who were taking part in rehabilitation undertakings and presented honorary cash awards for them through an official.

Presentations on relief and rescue undertakings and rehabilitation activities The Senior General heard a report, presented by the chief minister, on phase-by-phase implementation of relief and rehabilitation works in Rakhine State in accord with the guidance of the Senior General, betterment of road transportation, progress in repairing basic education schools, healthcare undertakings of hospital staff, nurses and Red Cross members, progress in restoring TV channels, collective rehabilitation undertakings of Tatmadaw, MPF and RC members, clean water supply, distribution of farm products at reasonable prices by the local government and Tatmadaw, planting of windbreakers and extension programs along the beach, close supervision of senior military officers, union ministers on rehabilitation activities, formation of work committees, transportation of rehabilitation aid for providing food, education, restoration of religious buildings by military vessels and aircraft and private vessels in accord with the Senior General’s guidance, constant supply of food items of various kinds and drinking water to ensure food safety, arrangements to ascertain that relief aids actually reach every storm victim, timely distribution of construction materials to repair houses, requirements, repair of Sittwe University, Computer Science University, government institute and schools, student enrolment at basic and higher education sectors in academic year 2023-2024, repair of health facilities in 17 townships, distribution of health aids, public healthcare, repair of religious buildings and provision of requirements, pagoda renovation programs, use of funds provided by the State in relief and rehabilitation activities, systematic use of cash donation in Rakhine State, progress in restoring communication facilities, relief and rehabilitation efforts for respective sectors including community work carried out by mobile telecommunication operators, completion of repair tasks in the electricity sector and electricity supply, measures being taken to resume electricity supply to villages, cultivation of monsoon paddy and efforts made to boost per-acre yields, availability and distribution paddy seeds in Rakhine State, distribution of farming implements to townships, tasks being carried out to purchase cattle to be redistributed to storm-hit areas, rural development tasks implemented under the Green Project, damage caused to fishing trawler by the storm, cooperation to solve issues in repairing hatcheries for freshwater fish, distribution of fingerlings to fish farmers, measures being taken to supply sufficient fish and prawn fingerlings at hatcheries, arrangements made to replant teak, shady windbreak trees and mangroves, and plan planting trees by organizing monsoon tree planting campaigns.

Then, union ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, U Min Naung, U Hla Moe, Dr Nyunt Pe and U Myo Thant, deputy ministers and state-level departmental officials reported to the Senior General on relief and rehabilitation efforts of respective ministries, repair tasks of basic education high schools, measures taken to build schools that can also be used as shelters, upgrading of natural disaster shelters in Rakhine State and requirements for respective sectors of relevant ministries.

Efforts called for making Sittwe more developed than before by considering long-term benefits

After hearing reports, the Senior General said he visited Sittwe again to fulfill requirements for making Sittwe better and more developed than before. To build a modern urban area, it is necessary to upgrade communication routes in the city while measures are being taken to construct up-to-date buildings.

In carrying out rehabilitation tasks, measures must be taken by considering long-term benefits of the state.

In doing so, it is mainly necessary to make efforts to provide sufficient food, water, basic needs, rice and edible oil. Measures must also be taken to make paddy seeds for agricultural farms in a timely manner and it is important that paddy seeds available meet the requirements of the state. In carrying out livestock breeding tasks, it is necessary to set up modern and systematic farms. As Rakhine State has raw materials for animal feeds to carry out livestock breeding tasks successfully, production of the livestock breeding sector will be boosted if the feeding system and water supply system are properly implemented. It is also necessary to carry out breeding tasks of saltwater fish and prawn, which have strong market demands, phase by phase.

In reconstructing basic education schools, it is necessary to take systematic measures to construct buildings that can be used not only for learning for students but also for taking shelter when necessary. Assistance must be offered for monastic education schools damaged by the storm. In distribution of aid to storm victims, It is important to manage aid systematically in accordance with the level of damage they suffered. Measures must be taken as a special task to fulfill the need for timber for rehabilitation. As it is harmful for health if damage and rubbish are not cleared systematically in respective areas, sanitation tasks must be carried out properly. The state health department has been urged to lead negotiations with in-service physicians and medical officers and retired local physicians to give emergency treatments and advanced therapies at the Sittway General Hospital. The government is ready to provide necessary medical supplies and medical equipment. By doing so, more healthcare services for local residents can be provided.

As electricity has been supplied from the national grid, disruption of power supply can occur during natural disasters.

Therefore, it is necessary to find out ways and means to generate electricity in the state.

As electricity can be generated by using rice husk fuel or by setting up small and medium hydropower stations with the use of water resources, it is necessary to conduct feasibility studies. Then, the Senior General coordinated with union ministers and responsible officials.

Guidance given for requirements Afterward, the Senior General gave guidance for requirements, saying he inspected damage caused by Cyclone Mocha, which hit Rakhine State on 15 May, and gave necessary guidance. It was found that certain progress had been achieved in rehabilitation within two months after the natural disaster. It was also found that there were some requirements in clearing damage caused by the storm in certain areas and responsible officials are required to urge local residents to clear damage in their residential compounds.

Durability and long-term existence is important in repairing the current buildings for future disasters. In doing so, there are two parts: one that the State is able to undertake; and the other that the people can do. It is seen that some buildings were damaged as priority was given to good look rather than long-term durability when being constructed.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure systematically measured and constructed buildings for long-term durability and existence.

Regarding substitutes for the damaged buildings, there are buildings that need to be heavily repaired as well as new homes to be built.

Ministries concerned and officials at regional level need to systematically work together in upgrading construction works.

The State is helping fulfill the needs of foodstuffs and others on the managerial and financial fronts as much as it can. Besides the assistance of the government, if the local residents themselves participate in the rehabilitation measures, there will be progress in taking the measures. If the regional government, officials and local people work together, Rakhine State may achieve more development than its original situation. It is necessary to take action against those who take advantage of any disorder and sell construction materials at exorbitant prices with a selfish sense when a natural disaster is experienced and when the people are facing difficulties and hardships. Effective penalties must be given to such people under the law. The situation should not be exploited over residents for one’s own interests.

Therefore, officials need to conduct systematic supervisory measures.

To ensure convenience on foods for the time being, rice, edible oil and others are being delivered to the cyclone-affected areas in the region. Similarly, chicks are delivered to the state to be helpful to meat consumption in the region. As meat, fish and eggs will always be needed in the region, it is necessary to effectively take measures for livestock farming.

Doing so will be helpful to the security of meat and fish for Rakhine State.

Regarding agriculture, high-yield seeds agreeable with the region and bearable with the climate are needed. If there is systematic land preparation, systematic use of inputs and chemical fertilizer, adequate cultivation water and correct agricultural methods, the yield will be higher. Systematic measures in any agricultural business will lead to achieving success. I like to see Rakhine State systematically achieving success in agriculture and livestock industry. To achieve so, it is necessary to have good human resources rich in knowledge and skill in the region. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure students’ completion of the academic year and 100 percent in grade transition levels. As today is the education age, education must be encouraged. Rakhine is a state rich in educated people and encouragement is to continue to be given in respect of promotion of education.

Classes on livestock agriculture and technology are being conducted in order that basic education on those subjects will be obtained. Through those classes, outstanding students are able to learn further advanced studies on a basis of subject.

Students studying presently in the region will play a key role for more development of Rakhine State in the future. Therefore, officials are to conduct systematic measures of supervision on promoting education. The State is training education personnel as well as taking measures to fulfill the need of teachers in Rakhine State. Doing so is for the development of Rakhine State in the future.

The government officials, departmental personnel, security personnel and volunteers are making efforts with might and  main to take rehabilitation measures in the cyclone-affected areas in Rakhine State, and if the local residents work together with them, Rakhine State may achieve more development than its original situation. The government is endeavoring for development of all regions and states and improvement of socio-economic life of the people, and the local residents in Rakhine State and civil servants discharging duties in the region are to make efforts and work together for regional development. All are urged to make more efforts than that in regular time in taking rebuilding measures for the damaged due to the cyclone.

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