SAC Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets officers, other ranks, families of Sittwe and Kanni stations


Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing this morning met with officers, other ranks and families of Sittwe Station at Maygawady Hall of the station and officers, other ranks, families and trainees from Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force from the local Advanced Military Training Depot in Kanni Station at Aungsitthi Hall separately.

Also present at the meetings were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye and wife, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Moe Aung and wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung and wife, high ranking senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, and the commander of Western Command.

Rehabilitation measures will be systematically taken for long term interests

    Speaking on the occasions, the Senior General recounted that he arrived in Sittwe one day after the cyclone Mocha hit Rakhine State to give guidance for soonest undertaking rescue and relief measures and rehabilitation tasks. Cyclone Mocha was the most severe one causing loss and damage after Cyclone Nargis. Mocha left 148 persons dead but international community estimated that the region might face greater casualties.

It should take a lesson from the past storm that as Myanmar carried out preparations, it could overcome these challenges with the least loss and damage. In the aftermath of the storm, guidance was given to carry out rescue and relief measures in clearing debris and rehabilitation measures.

As some buildings totally collapsed, these were rebuilt as new ones. Guidance has been given that new buildings must be constructed for long term existence and remaining buildings must be renovated for long term existence and resilience against natural disasters.

As it is necessary to calculate the constructions for long term sustainability, it needs to take a long time. If greater efforts can be made for doing rehabilitation tasks, work process will complete quickly. So, the Senior General urged all to make strenuous efforts for all measures.

Growing trees can prevent unfavourable weather and disasters

    As natural disaster cannot be predicted, it can forecast possibility of disasters ahead of some weeks. As Rakhine State is located in the coastal area, it will surely face storms, heavy rains and flooding. Hence, it is necessary to take preparations without fail. The Senior General stressed the need to grow trees as natural barriers to prevent strong winds and unfavorable weather. Trees can be seen on the mountain ranges related to Rakhine mountain ranges and most of the areas can be seen as plains. As such, people need to grow trees in villages and wards as well as towns. It can be seen that cutting trees are larger than growing. People cut the trees to be fire woods as well as timber for construction of buildings.

Hence, trees from natural forests lost, causing climate change.

As part of preventing natural disasters, trees must be grown.

It is necessary to cooperate with local people in growing trees so as to be plentiful of trees and forests in the relevant regions. In the future, an emphasis must be placed to grow trees at present for ensuring fine weather and preventing natural disasters to some extent in their regions.

Officers, other ranks and families have been given adequate plots at their housings to grow shade trees and windbreaks.

Every soldier needs to systematically live at the allocated buildings and maintain them as much as they can.

After Cyclone Mocha, foodstuffs are being sent from Yangon to the people, departmental personnel and security forces in Sittwe for convenience of food supply. As Tatmadaw has been encouraging the undertakings of manageable scale agriculture and livestock tasks for many decades, those from the units can consume sufficient meat, fish and vegetables and sell them to the local people at fair prices.

Needs to dutifully serve assignment based on techniques from training and experiences

    In serving the duties, each Tatmadaw members have to be soldierly with military awareness and military conscience.

Whenever they serve any assignments, they have to be ready to fight and discharge State defense duties. They must have comprehensive skills in military warfare. Training depots give training on administration, military techniques and office tasks to trainees in line with their levels. Hence, they have to combine techniques from the training and experiences in serving the duty as good soldiers.

These military techniques were trained for having success in the fighting. If they apply them, they will have the capacity to effectively combat enemies and dutifully serve the State defense duties and security measures.

Training is being given to them to have knowledge to dutifully discharge individual duties.

In order to serve the defense and security duties, they must be healthy and fit. They must have healthy lifestyle and take training for healthy and fit situation. If so, they will dutifully serve the duties in the battle fields and protect themselves as well as their units.

With regard to the political affairs, the government is implementing two national objectives and political objective each.

Tatmadaw firmly believes that as it implements the noble tasks, these tasks will be accomplished.

The Tatmadaw has pledged to hold the multi-party democracy general election in a peaceful and stable situation.

Tatmadaw born of the people is one of the parts of the country.

The Tatmadaw will firmly stand tall for the State to be able to correctly walk on the multi-party democracy path.

Efforts are being made to ensure the prosperity of the state and the security of food, water and basic needs. To ensure the prosperity of the state, the country must be stable and fully democratic.

It is necessary to end armed conflicts for the stability of the state. Only when measures are taken to instill knowledge and skills in the people, will the lives of them improve. Tasks must be carried out seriously.

Priority must be given to easy tasks with the aim of achieving difficult ones firmly.

Emphasis placed on enhancement of quality of education

As today is the age of education, it is necessary to encourage the enhancement of education of oneself and one’s offspring.

Only when one has received a formal education, will one be able to acquire advanced knowledge.

To do so, the Tatmadaw has been publishing books and literature. The Tatmadaw has been supporting the education of offspring of Tatmadaw families and honoring outstanding ones. Efforts must be made to enhance the education of one’s offspring. It is necessary to systematically cultivate one’s offspring to be clever and to stand on their own feet as outstanding ones. In conclusion, the Senior General urged all to perform defense and security duties assigned to them.

Then, the Senior General presented foodstuffs for officers, other ranks, families and trainees from respective stations to responsible officers and the wife of the Senior General presented cash rewards for maternal and child welfare associations in the station to officials.

After the meeting, the Senior General and party cordially greeted the officers, other ranks, families and trainees who attended the meeting.

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