SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses meeting 3/2023 of Union government


Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivered an address at the meeting 3/2023 of the Union government at the meeting hall of the SAC Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Taw this afternoon.

The meeting was also attended by SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win and Union ministers.

Implementing five-point road map

First, the Senior General delivered an address, saying that the State Administration Council amended the five-point road map after extending the six-month term for the state of emergency on completion of the two-year term of the State responsibilities. The road map is of great importance for the State and it is being implemented by the government. The most important one of the road map is the priority will be given to fully realize peace, stability and rule of law throughout the Union to safeguard the socioeconomic life of the people. The last point of the road map is Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multi-party democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

By so doing, an emphasis will be implemented for the first point.

Moreover, the Senior General said that efforts must be made for ensuring rule of law and peace and stability. In the terror acts in 2021 and 2022, innocent people, service personnel and religious personnel were killed and injured. So, as it needs to continue the measures for state of emergency, the extending of the period for the state of emergency was explained. A total of 489 terror acts including explosion and destructions happened till 11 July this year, leaving 782 persons dead. Although events of terrorism declined, more terror acts happened. Many requirements can be seen in implementation of fully emphasizing the security, peace and stability and rule of law measures.

Worsening terrorism can be seen in Sagging Region, Chin and Kayah states. Hence, the government needs to make greater efforts for safe and security of the people. While serving the security duties, some police force members were killed.

Impacts of storm Mocha

Due to storm Mocha which hit on 14 May, the country faced loss and waste worth some Ks-522 billion. The government and the people have spent a large sum of money on repairing loss and damaged parts in rehabilitative measures. So, it is necessary to take care of natural disasters. Although preparations could reduce number of casualties, it was a tremendous loss. So, all have to take lessons from the past storm event. As such, the Senior General stressed the need to make many preparations so be able to overcome challenges of natural disasters. For example, the strong buildings must be built in the regions with heavy rainfalls or storm-prone areas.

Needs to strive for increasing production to promote State economy

In focusing on development of the nation, the government emphasized promotion of State economy. So, the State economy resurged in 2021-2022 financial year and grabbed the 3.2 percent increase of the State economy in 2022-2023 FY, according to the released records. The State economy reached the progress from the minus to the plus status. But, everybody should not be satisfied with such progress. Without incomes, the country cannot do nation building tasks, development tasks and peace and stability measures. If the country does not have developed economy, the country will face many criminal cases. It was scrutinized that some cases of terrorism were based on kidnapping the persons to extort. Some terror acts comprised families of terrorists. So, all have to make greater efforts for promotion of State economy.

With regard to export measures, larger volume of pulses and beans, rice and agricultural NAY PYI TAW July 13 SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses meeting 3/2023 of Union government produce, marine products and livestock products were exported to foreign markets. If the country can boost production, it will earn increased incomes.

In taking manufacturing measures, it is necessary to meet the local demand as well as manufacture export quality products.

The Senior General underscored that an emphasis must be placed on pouring out greater efforts in agriculture and livestock sectors.

Prices of commodities rose in 2022 and 2023. Such an event was based on unbalance between production and consumption in addition to production charge.

But, increasing production charge may be based on various reasons. But, the government can solve the problems on unbalance between production and consumption. To do so, factories and industries must be operated at full capacity. Otherwise, number of products declined.

Likewise, there have been no high yields and production in the agricultural and livestock breeding activities. Our citizens usually are content. Manufacturing capacity should not be aimed for one’s own region or state.

It is necessary to provide extras to other regions and states and to fulfill the needs of the country as necessary. Then, surpluses can be exported, thereby earning foreign exchange income. For the improved agriculture, various ways are required such as high per-acre yield, meeting targets, and full production capacity.

Thus, relevant ministries and region and state chief ministers need to take systematic measures for this.

Try to reduce high commodity prices by improving agriculture and livestock breeding

Although the country has abundant raw materials to feed animals, there has been no systematic livestock breeding or extended breeding. The country has enough raw materials such as bran, broken rice, groundnut expeller cakes, sesame expeller cakes, corn and fish powder. Only additives have to be imported. There are enough natural foods because there is a lot of land to grow grass. Efforts must be made to improve our agricultural and livestock activities by learning modern techniques from the international community. With the lack of innovation, our country is facing high commodity prices stemming from a gap between demand and supply. With a balance between supply and demand, our products can be sold at affordable prices. A greater effort will lead to reducing high prices.

The reduction in meat and fish prices is a priority of our government.

All necessary food such as fish, meat, eggs and dairy products must be produced in a balanced manner. The regions and states should not content themselves with having their own regional sufficiency. They need to reach out to the whole country. The governments need to make calculations. I also encourage exports. But that should not harm domestic sufficiency.

So, systematic plans and measures are necessary.

Regarding cooking oil, if the country’s crops such as groundnut, sesame, soy are to be milled, we will be able to have 126 percent sufficiency in edible oil.

There could be 249.5 percent sufficiency if all acres of cultivable land can be grown as targeted.

However, cooking oil has to be imported yearly. Reviewing this, no regular yields, exports and too much oil consumption in regional foods have led to insufficiency in oil. Export earnings from sesame and groundnut are only about a quarter of the import value. Therefore, the UMFCCI and Ministry of Commerce need to take control measures.

There should not be any action harming domestic sufficiency.

Greater efforts must be made to improve oil crop yields.

Land use should be in line with the law

    Land use is not found to be in line with the farmland law. The central body, not regions or state, has to grant permission for growing other crops on farmland.

But regions and states can grant permission to grow other crops on crops land. Crop land is also being used for constructing buildings without any agricultural activities. That causes losses to the State. Therefore, systematic supervisions are necessary in accord with the law. According to the definition,

the right to crop land is rightfully owned by the State.

This should be clear. Those violating the law will face legal action. All cultivable land should be used with full capacity.

If ministries lease their buildings and plots on a long-term basis, it will be necessary to get approval from the government in principle. If it is a long-term lease, it must be submitted to MIC for approval. The relevant procedure must be correctly taken in accordance with the law. Although authority is not granted for the short-term lease, if necessary, it is to be applied.

It is necessary to be submitted for any changes in carrying out tasks. Therefore, ministries need to conduct supervisory measures to ensure that the tasks being taken are in accordance with the laws and protocol.

Afterwards, the union ministers reported on sector-wise measures being taken.

Regarding the reports, the Senior General said it is to extend livestock institutes and make plans to teach subjects on seawater fish and prawn farming as seawater fish and prawn could be bred in Taninthayi Region and Mon and Rakhine states.

Cultivation of crops such as tea, coffee, macadamia, cashew, avocado and coco are to be expanded.

Talks are to be held with experts to be able to manufacture value-added products.

Then, in his concluding remarks, the Senior General said that more than 43,000 basic education schools could be opened in the 2023-2024 academic year with the enrollment of more than eight million students. It is seen that there was an increase by more than one million students in enrollment compared to the number of enrolled students in the last academic year. It is necessary to make efforts to ensure that those students could fully attend school until the end of the academic year and that there is a higher percentage in grade transition levels. For this, not only the Ministry of Education but other ministries are to work together as it is a national matter.

Besides, ministries concerned need to take necessary measures on security of schools and teachers.

Ministries are to collectively work together in order to ensure good personality of schools and complete teaching aids for improvement of students’ motivation. Plans are to be made in advance to meet the standard areas and features for basic schools in upgrading the schools as the present basic education schools have classes up to KG+12 Grade. Moreover, arrangements must be made to provide school furniture step by step in order that schools across the country have the furniture equally.

Officials are to take supervisory measures to be correct in capital expenditure and revenue expenditure on a ministry basis.

Expenditures must be scrutinized and supervised to ensure that they will be for the matters in truly need of them.

In taking rehabilitation measures in the cyclone-affected areas, public hospitals, schools, religious buildings and departmental offices are to be quickly repaired with a priority. All the ministries concerned are urged to work with might and main in the rehabilitation and relief measures.

Regarding the revenue of the nation, measures are to be taken to fully and correctly collect tax and collaborative efforts are to be made for manufacturing plenty of products as well.

Moreover, it is necessary to expand cultivation of crops such as corn, sesame, black gram, Mung bean with firm overseas markets. Only if products are manufactured more through a full force in agriculture and livestock industry, will the nation earn more income and the need of foreign exchange earnings will be fulfilled as well. Therefore, all are urged to work together for an increase in manufacturing production.

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