Families of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army, Navy and Air) hold second monsoon tree-growing ceremony for 2023


Aimed at conserving environment and contributing to the climatic conditions, giving shade to the people and supporting the State economy on one hand, families of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army, Navy and  Air) and relevant military commands have been holding monsoon tree-growing ceremonies annually since 2011.

Today’s second monsoon tree-growing ceremony for 2023 of the families of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army, Navy and Air) took place near Yezin Dam in Zeyathiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw, attended by Chairman of the State Administration Council Commanderin- Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing who planted a teak sapling.

Also present at the ceremony were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior  General, Vice Chairman of SAC Deputy Commander- in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, wife of  the Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air), the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and wife, the Commander- in-Chief (Air) and wife, senior military  officers fromthe Office of the Commanderin-Chief and their wives, Union level officials and their wives, senior trainee officers of the National Defence College, officers, other ranks and families from the offices and departments of the Commander-in-Chief (Army).

SAC Chairman Commanderin- Chief of Defence Services and wife lead growing of a teak sapling

First, the Senior General and wife planted a teak sapling. Then, senior military officers and their wives, officers, other ranks and families grew trees  in the designated places. The Senior General, wife and party viewed round participation of officers,other ranks and families in tree-growing activities.

A total of 188,055 precious trees, perennial trees, shade trees and windbreaks planted around Yezin Dam from 2011 to second tree-growing ceremony in 2023

At the today’s ceremony, those families planted 1,764 teak saplings, 882  Manjansha and 882 gum-kino, totalling  3,528. They have grown 188,055 precious trees, perennial trees, shade plants and windbreaks around Yezin Dam for environment and ecosystem conservation 37 times from 2011 to the second ceremony in 2023.

The whole Tatmadaw planted 227,202 saplings today

Likewise, all military commands held growing of precious trees, industrial crops, perennial trees,shade plants and windbreaks. In this regard, Nay Pyi Taw Command grew 9,500 trees, Northern Command 21,310, North-East Command 21,258 trees, Eastern Command 11,445 trees, Eastern Central Command 21,999 trees, Triangle Region Command 14,322 trees, South-East Command 13,273 trees, Coastal Region Command 12,964 trees, Yangon Command 17,286 trees, South-West Command 7,195 trees, Western Command 15,962 trees, North-West Command 8,713 trees, Central Command 35,247 trees and Southern Command 13,200 trees with the participation of commanders and officials. Today, the whole Tatmadaw planted 227,202 trees.

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