Progress in erecting Maravijaya Buddha Image, which will become the tallest stone Buddha Statue in seated posture in the world, explained


A ceremony to explain the progress in erecting the Maravijaya Buddha Image, which will become the tallest stone Buddha Statue in seated posture in the world, in Dekkhinathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Union Territory, was held this morning.

Present were Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, union ministers, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Nay Pyi Taw Command commander, officials, donors and honored guests.

As regards the purpose of erecting the Image, Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing explained the construction of Abhayaraja Muni Buddha Image in Buddha Park near Pankwe Village, Kengtung in 2018 for peace and perpetuation of Shan State (East), and to increase the number of pilgrims and visitors followed by generation of job opportunities and socio-economic development, systematic and stage-by stage excavation of huge boulders that would be carved into Maravijaya Buddha Image, the design of the Image which is the Yadanabon era Bhumiphassa posture, conveyance of the parts of the Image and the Throne in different phases by water vessels and by road amidst many difficulties, setting of the world records of heaviest conveyance in waterway and road transport, phase-by-phase implementation of Maravijaya Buddha Park project, Ovada sought from State Sangha Maha Nayaka Sayadaws for the comprehensive inclusion of pagodas, temples, lake, ordination hall, rest houses, bridges and park in building the Image and the Park, application of modern machines in inscribing the Sixth Buddhist Synod version of Pail and Romanized Pitaka treatises on stone tablets as a center for learning the treatises in accord with the counsel of Oavadacarira Sayadaws, building of Mucalinda Nagayon Buddha Image in accord with the Buddhist treatises, rules and records and the counsel of Oavadacarira Sayadaws, publishing of Pali and Romanized Pitaka treatises for distribution to monasteries of world countries and recording them in tablets.

The Senior General also explained the straightening of a stream channel in Maravijaya Park and building of a replica of Mingala Bridge in Mandalay Palace, construction of Vijaya Bhumi Nimmana victory circle in the facing direction of the Maravijaya Buddha Image, systematic calculations for the sustainability of the Image, part-bypart connection of the Throne, construction of fountain square and circular fountains, progress records of the Park construction project, construction of Thudhamma rest houses for pilgrims, part-by-part CNC carving of the Image, construction of Maravijaya Temple and Mucalinda Lake and planting of kyee trees, progress in building Mucalinda Lake, part-by-part connection of the Image, progress in construction of pagodas accommodating stone slabs on which Pitaka treatises are inscribed in Pali and Romanized Language for pilgrims to study them, success in conveying and erecting the connected parts 1,2 and 3 of the Image by Myanmar Engineering Council and the Military Engineers by using advanced machinery, ceremonies to enshrine sacred objects and valuable jewellery donated by people all over the country in the reliquaries on the Yadana Throne, stage-by-stage conveyance of the parts of the Image, construction of 296 feet long, 213 feet wide and 94 feet high Sasana Beikman Aggadhipati Visongama Ordination Hall where 900 monks and 1,200 laypersons can organize grand religious ceremonies, coating of the Image and installation of the holy single strand of hair between two eyebrows of the Image, state of finishing touches and robe painting work, systematic measurement and use of modem techniques in construction to bear natural disasters including strong winds and earthquakes for long-term durability of the Buddha Image, step-by-step progress in construction of the Buddha Image, building the platform and special chambers, installation of escalator for convenience of the elderly, planting of Bo trees, sandbox and Sal trees, progress of building water fountain platform and stone inscription chambers, preparedness for holding the ceremony to consecrate the Buddha Image and state of the Buddha Image upon completion of the construction. He also said ceremonies to consecrate the Buddha Image, hoist the umbrellas atop the stone inscription stupas and share merits will take place at state-level on August 1, 2023 (second full moon day of Waso (Dhammacakka Day), 1385 Myanmar Era).

Afterwards, the attendees made cash donations for the Buddha Image which the Senior General accepted. A total of 274 well-wishers at home and abroad donated Ks-5.05 billion (over Ks-5000 million), US$- 23,000 and 100,000 in Thai baht at today’s ceremony.

In his words of thanks to the donors, the Senior General said well-wishers who made donations from the start of donating the giant marble stone that will become the Buddha Image to its consecrating ceremony are the founders of making merits.

The donation made now is a merit for all. Despite being over 160 years old, the stone inscriptions at Kuthodaw Pagoda built by King Mindon have not deteriorated yet. Similarly the ancient pagodas in Bagan have existed so far. The Maravijaya Buddha Image will exist and endure for many years in the future and it is believed that the Buddha Image will exist in the successive eras of future generations. Therefore, donations made at present are worthy merits. Rejoicing and blessings are given to those who made such donations at the ceremony today wishing them happiness and health.

Then, the attendees viewed round the scale models of the Buddha Image and park, Pitakat treatises printed in Pail language and Romanized language and tablet records. The Senior General made a further explanation on the Buddha Image.

Later, the attendees took a tour of the Buddha Image and Park and paid homage to the Buddha Image.During the tour, officials briefed them on the Buddha Image and Park.

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