Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing participates in third monsoon tree growing ceremony of Nay Pyi Taw, Union Territory and plants gangaw sapling

NAY PYI TAW September 7

Nay Pyi Taw, Union Territory, held its third monsoon tree growing ceremony  for 2024 at plot 16 of Yanaungmyin forest reserve in Leway Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Union Territory, this morning, attended by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing who planted a gangaw sapling.

Present together with the Senior General were SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime  Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, the SAC Secretary, the SAC Joint Secretary, SAC members, union level officials, union ministers, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chair, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Nay Pyi Taw Command commander, deputy ministers, officers and staff of ministries, officials, teachers and students of basic education schools  and institutions of higher learning in Nay Pyi Taw Council area.

First, the Senior General delivered a speech. He said the Union is organizing tree growing ceremonies with the public participation annually, and in regions and states, area-wise and department-wise monsoon tree planting activities are being held. Forest and trees are very important for survival of life on Earth and they provide benefits such as food sufficiency, a balanced climate, natural disaster prevention and water and soil conservation and constantly rendering ecosystem services.

As the saying which goes “rain from sky, forest on land, save precious rain water carefully, and the forest will bear gold” trees and forests are so valuable as they preserve water sources and water resources. Roots of trees keep the soil protected and together with leaves and trunk, they support and control water flow and groundwater recharge.

Hence, they are acting like natural water filter tanks and water storage tanks, while supporting the food sufficiency and national development.

Forest must be conserved for the durability of the fresh water resources, which are, rivers, creek, lakes and ponds and dams. Nature will always be beautiful only if reservoirs, waters and creeks are filled to the brim. So also, forest and trees protect erosion of any kind and ensure sustainability of the dams. The current floods are the cause of depletion of watershed areas for various reasons, silting and damages triggered by weakness in water flow management.

The SAC is accelerating the tree plantation activities with the goal of greening the arid central Myanmar, alleviating climate change, reducing temperatures and providing basic needs including fuel wood and poles for the rural. It is of vital importance for the thriving of every planted tree.

Studying the areas which were flooded this year, it was found that towns which faced floods sometimes suffered floodings almost every year. It is humans who make nature better or worsen it. As men play an important role, if systematic management of natural forests, establishing forest plantations in deforested areas, planting trees in watershed areas, conservation of environment are disaster preparedness systematically carried out, extreme weather conditions and natural disasters can be effectively reduced.

If forests are protected and nurtured by all in accordance with the motto “Forests are legacy of the past, benefits of the present and development of the future”, will we be able to hand down a favourable green environment full of natural resources for future generations.

Everyone is urged to give priority to sonsistently planting forests and building green and lush forest landscape for the greening of wards and villages and rural areas in the entire country and make concerted efforts to conserve forests and forest ecosystem, which are important for sustainable development of the country, security of food, reduction of climate change and natural disasters as a national duty by considering from multiple perspectives.

Then, the Senior General planted a gangaw tree at the designated place.

Afterwards, the Vice-Senior General, the secretary and the joint secretary and members of the SAC, union level officials and union ministers, dignitaries and staff of ministries, officials, teachers and students from basic education schools and universities and colleges in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area planted seedlings simultaneously.

Then, the Senior General inspected the activities of happily planting trees of participants in the third tree planting ceremony in 2024.

At today’s tree planting ceremony, a total of 3,000 trees from 15 plant species.

During the assumption of the SAC from 2021, 10 national level tree planting ceremonies have been held by planting 17,677 trees and 1,584 tree planting.

The government has been encouraging tree planting annually and 22.856 millions were planted including trees planted this year.

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