Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attends diamond jubilee of MNA; honours persons of successive eras for their contributions for the existence of MNA till diamond jubilee, former staff and in-service staff of MNA

NAY PYI TAW September 16

Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) of the Ministry of Transport and Communications held its diamond jubilee at Melia Hotel in Bahan Township, Yangon this morning, addressedby Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Present together with the Senior General were SAC members General Mya Tun Oo, Admiral Tin Aung San, union level officials, union ministers, the Yangon Region chief minister, the chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air), senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Yangon Command commander, deputy ministers,officers and staff of MNA, officials and honoured guests.

The Senior General and party were welcomed by SAC member Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo and MNA officials.

After the ceremony was formally opened with LED Animation , the Senior General delivered an honorary address. He said when it comes to commercial air services UBA and BAC will be the first to appear in the people’s mind. UBA and BAC that were established after the country regained independence left behind milestones in the history of domestic and regional air services. Hence, they are honorable and are always in the hearts of people. A successful air transport system needs efficiency of flight crew and also good airports and airport services. The State is upgrading and extending runways, promoting airport services to the most possible degree. Moreover, excellent performance of airport staff is also a requisite.

Air transport is an important sector for national development. Although the cost is high, air transport cuts travelling time and ensures greater business effectiveness. Hence, serious attention should be paid to it.

MNA was established as Union of Burma Airways (UBA) on 15 September 1948 after the independence was restored. It became Burma Airways Corporation (BAC) in 1972, Myanmar Airways (MA) in 1989, and Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) in 2015. It is running local and foreign flights.

MNA should maintain its fine tradition and history of dutifully shouldering the tasks assigned to it by the State throughout the success eras in the interest of the nation and people. As it is providing swift transport services for health, social, education and economic matters of the remote places and air services with neighbouring and regional countries, MNA should strive to develop the air transport sector.

MNA is extending regular schedule flights to foreign countries such as Thailand, Singapore, China, South Korea and India and chartered flights for Bodh Gaya pilgrimage tours. The Senior General wished MNA a success in its soon-tobe started cargo transport services.

Global economy experienced a drop after the end of 2019 due to life-threatening COVID-19 pandemic, and the air transport was also hit hard. It has recovered now and is extending new flights because of the benefits it gained. Hence, MNA should work with global outlook. Air transport business has regained strength in the post COVID-19 period, and MNA should prioritize its market research programs. It should be adaptable to changes in increasing the strength of its fleet and number of flights and extending its air services based on the demand for passenger and cargo flights. If MNA can extend cargo flights it will help boost the country’s imports and exports and will contribute to national economic growth in a way.

All the staff including the supervisors need to work in unity by regarding it as their own business. Then, success will be achieved and the airline will be able to run for a long time.

As every air passenger is willing to reach their destination in a short time, focus must be placed on ensuring correct and timely schedules. Then, it will be convenient for the passengers for their connecting flights. With correct and timely flight schedules, MNA will win the trust and reliance of both local and foreign air passengers. As such, it will be the best choice for passengers in competing with other airlines.

A safe and secure flight is crucial for passengers, so it is necessary to exactly follow the rules and regulations and SoPs adopted by the Department of Civil Aviation.

The former and current staff as well as those who have strived for the long-term existence of the MNA until its diamond jubilee deserve praise. Therefore, all the staff including manager executives and other leaders from various sectors are urged to make energetic and concerted efforts for the long-term development of the airline. Then, the Senior General expressed his wishes for the success of the MNA.

Next, SAC member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo explained the emergence and evolution of MNA, its dutiful performances by leading the country’s aviation sector, providing of international standard services, and efforts to serve aviation duties conscientiously from its diamond jubilee till many years to come.

Then, MNA Management Committee Chair U Zin Yaw reported on the evolution of the airline and expressed thanks to the Senior General and all the officials for the State support for the development of the MNA’s transport sector.

Afterwards, the Senior General posed for a documentary photo together with those present.

Then, an entertainment programme followed in which the MNA flight attendants wearing fashion uniforms of the four successive ages of the MNA performed commemorative songs. A video clip of the MNA diamond jubilee was shown.

Next, the Senior General and party enjoyed the performances staged by the country’s famous vocalists and the Myanmar cultural troupe to the accompaniment of the State Orchestra.

After the entertainment programme, the Senior General presented bouquets to the vocalists and performers.

Afterwards, U Zin Yaw presented a commemorative gift to the Senior General.

Later, the Senior General and those in attendance interestingly viewed the commemorative booth where they conducted round by officials. Then, the Senior General gave his signature to the guest book.

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