World Tourism Day 2023 observed, Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers address

Nay Pyi Taw September 27

World Tourism Day 2023 was observed at MICC-2 in Nay Pyi Taw this morning addressed by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Also present were Joint SAC Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members, union ministers, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chair, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Nay Pyi Taw Command commander, deputy ministers, ambassadors from foreign missions in Myanmar, permanent secretaries, directors general, members of National Tourism Development Committee, representatives of private tourism organizations, prize winners of World Tourism Day 2023 commemorative competitions and officials.

In his address, the Senior General said member countries of World Tourism Organization (WTO) annually observe World Tourism Day on 27 September to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value.

Annually, a theme that highlights the prevailing situation and reflects the industry’s latest developments is created. “Tourism and green investment” is this year’s theme.

The spread of COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2020 cost a great deal of losses for tourismrelated industries, vocational activities, and services. WTO statistics indicated a 70 percent drop in job opportunities generated by tourism industry, and the total foreign investments for the industry in 2020 fell to US$-12.6 billion, down from US$-48.5 billion in 2019 due to the pandemic.

Tourism is the leading industry in creating job opportunities. In 2019, ten in one worker is engaged in the industry that is providing better job opportunities, especially for women and youths. But the lack of access to technical knowledge for youths in some of the areas of the industry has disallowed about 50 percent of youth members from employing in it. WTO statistics indicate that the industry needs to invest in vocational trainings to create over 800,000 jobs annually till 2030. Officials concerned should have the awareness of the importance of investments for the sustainable development of industry.

Hence, required infrastructures should be built through the effective use of natural resources and energy saving methods for the sustainability and development of tourism industry, and to reach this end, investments should be focused on green development.

The tourism industry is a smokeless industry much beneficial for directly contributing to the economic development of the State, earning foreign exchange, creating job opportunities and directly and indirectly flowing incomes into all walks of life. So, industrialized countries are emphasizing the tourism industry as an important business whereas developing countries are steadfastly relying on inbound and outbound tourism industries. As peace and stability contribute to development of tourism industry, it is necessary to foster peace and stability in all aspects for development of the nation.

Everybody knows Myanmar is endowed with underground and above ground natural resources. Likewise, invaluable cultural heritages can be seen across the nation. Based on these natural resources and cultural heritages, the country needs to strive for exploration of tourist destinations to attract the travellers and for long term development of the tourism sector.

Currently, infection rate of COVID-19 declines, global countries have resumed inbound and outbound tourism services. According to the statistics of the World Tourism Organization, a total of 235 million tourists paid visits to the countries in the first quarter from January to March of 2023, exceeding a double amount rather that the same period of last year and increasing 80 percent rather that before COVID-19 period.

Myanmar resumed international flights as from 17 April 2022 to land in the country and allowed application of e-visa on 20 May the same year. More than 200,000 international travellers entered the country through international airports, sea ports and land borders 2022. Such an amount exceeded more than 43 percent rather than 2021. Due to resumption of international flights and sea ports, more than 600,000 international travellers arrived in the country from January to July 2023, exceeding some six folds of amount rather than more than 100,000 international tourists of last year.

The government is striving for resurgence of State economy in all aspects, an emphasis must be placed on tourism industry contributing to the State economy. In so doing, the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism has drawn strategy and action plans for increasing number of domestic and intenational travellers. As such, the Senior General expressed his firm belief that the tourism sector will reach the situation similar to that of pre-COVID-19 period soon due to increasing number of tourist arrivals.

In line with the theme of World Tourist Day 2023 “Tourism and Green Investment” all need to join hands in implementing the tourism industry of the State.

Then, the video clip on the message of the secretary general of the World Tourism Organization was presented.

The Senior General presented first, second and third prizes to U Aung Myat Min, U Myint Than (Kyaukse) and U Kyaw Zar Min in the colour photo contest to mark the World Tourism Day respectively.

The Council Joint Secretary gave prizes to winners in the article and extempore talk contests and Council member Admiral Tin Aung San, winners in the essay contests at higher and basic education levels.

The Senior General and party posed for documentary photos together with prize winners.

The Senior General and attendees viewed round the booths on tourist destinations of regions and states, Myanmar Tourism Federation and associates and the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs displayed at the 2023 World Tourism Day commemorative exhibition.

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