SAC Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects military headquarters in Tatkon Station facing impacts of natural disasters, gives necessary guidance, presents relief supplies

NAY PYI TAW September 18

    Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing this morning, accompanied by member of the SAC Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Htein Win, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command and officials, inspected military headquarters in Tatkon Station which faced batter impacts of flash flood, gave necessary instructions and presented relief supplies.

At the hall of the local military headquarters, the Senior General met with officers, other ranks and families. On the occasion, the Senior General explained the purpose of his tour to fulfill the needs of officers, other ranks and families who have faced impacts of unexpected natural disaster and manage rehabilitation tasks. Although weather forecast bore certainty of raining but anyone did not guess heavy rains. Persistent torrential rains triggered high speed of flow of water from the torrential creeks, and it caused loss and damage along the waterway. Mining process also causes landslides whereas floating of heavy logs and pieces stockpiled in the rafts officially allowed to be extracted occurred worse loss and damage. Necessary aid will be presented to the people for loss and damage.

In undertaking rehabilitation tasks, officials need to clear up debris and blockade along the route in floods at first. And then, the second prioritized one is to arrange water and power supply and more rehabilitation tasks must be done. It is necessary to arrange convenience of families in basic needs and to buy basic foodstuffs at reduced prices.

Taking lessons from recent incident, systematic research must be conducted to construct building in a far distance from possible waterways from flash flood.

The Senior General asked Tatmadaw members and families attending the meeting about their experiences in flash flood and difficulties and attended to their needs. The Senior General presented foodstuffs and clothes for families through Tatmadaw members and families.

The Senior General then cordially comforted Tatmadaw members receiving medical treatments for their injuries suffered in the recent flash flood triggered by heavy rains at the clinic of the military headquarters, and presented foodstuffs.

In inspecting the Monchaung reinforced concrete damaged in high speed of water from hilly regions, the Senior General heard reports by officials. They said that water current bore large trees and rocks which hit the bridge. In his response, the Senior General gave necessary guidance and viewed rescue and relief measures.

The Senior General viewed round the damaged family housings of the local military headquarters and cordially greeted families.

The Senior General inspected clearing of silt and sanitation tasks at the basic education high school affected by the flash flood. The school in-charge and teachers reported on flash flood measures and progress of clearing debris. After hearing the reports, the Senior General instructed them to soonest open the school for teaching students.

The Senior General viewed round loss and damage at roads, bridges and buildings in the flash flood at the military station and gave necessary guidance to officials.

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