State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses SAC’s meeting (4/2023)

Nay Pyi Taw September 28

The State Administration Council held its meeting (4/2023) at the office of the SAC Chairman in Nay Pyi Taw with an address by SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General

Min Aung Hlaing.

Present at the meeting were SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, SAC Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dway, SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members and officials.

In his speech, the Senior General said the SAC is the highest organization in the country taking charge of the State, so it needs to exemplify the welfare of the State and its people. A government must set aims and objectives in implementing multilateral development of the State. We are also working towards the country’s prosperity, food and water security as two national tasks. Meanwhile, we are implementing the two political tasks: the strengthening of multi-party democracy and the establishment of a federal system based on democracy and federalism. The State is to be built not only under the current government but also in the future. To do this, the current government has adopted a five-point roadmap and nine objectives. SAC members need to constantly maintain and implement them.

SAC must take control and supervisory measures in implementing the aims and objectives of the State successfully

After the SAC had begun to assume state responsibilities, and at the first meeting, I have said that his country is underdeveloped. Although our country already possesses many aboveground underground resources, natural resources, and human resources, it is be found that development has lagged because of its lack of efficient use. If our country was to be stable and implement its expectations and objectives correctly, it would be able to stand at a medium level among the countries of the region within a few years. In assigning members of the SAC, senior military officials and regional officials were assigned to the State duties by reviewing their assigned duties, performances and achievements.

Strive for regional development in respective assigned regions

Regarding the SAC members’ regional tours of duty, the Senior General said: “By doing so, I want to know the real situation in the region, and I want to know the true attitude of the public. I want to know the need for their mood. So, I told them to go only after they had had shares of responsibilities.That’s why we’ve learned more about the situation than ever. For example, we have learned the need for education, the health conditions, needs of the region, the economy and regional development, and all individuals doing business without fail, manufacturing, and the needs of agriculture and livestock breeding. Then, we can decide what we should do there, and think about it. Because of this, it will also greatly contribute to our objectives either directly or indirectly. If we know their concept so that we can take the multi-party route as stated in our political expectations, we can consider how we will fulfil. When they have trust in us, we will be able to implement it quickly. Similarly, when we go to a democratic and federal system, we will be able to do so with trust and confidence by answering their statements and wishes. Similarly, in connection with the prosperity of the country, if businesses I just mentioned can be carried out properly and education can be provided, the public will enjoy their lives and will make concerted efforts for the prosperity of the country. As I said our country has resources above and under the ground, man power and land but it has not developed as much as it should and if people can work more to overcome it, the country will have abundant supplies of food, water supply and basic needs. Having abundant supplies of basic needs contribute to the prosperity of the country, which is the first objective. They are correlated. Therefore, members of the SAC were able to visit respective areas and it can be said that the results are invaluable. They are invaluable and cannot be measured with a ruler because only one or two things were found out during the visits. They are correlated. Therefore, the SAC is required to exert efforts without losing sight of them. Members of the SAC are assigned to respective regions and required to visit the regions and exert efforts as much as possible.”

Then, members of the SAC reported to the Senior General on their region visits, findings about needs for education, health, economic and regional development, the wish of local residents to lead a peaceful lives, potential for internal peace due to efforts of the country to restore peace despite the instigations of some foreign organizations to cause instabilities in ethnic areas and the needs for technologies and infrastructure to manufacture advanced products in respective regions.

Then, the joint secretary of the SAC reported to the Senior General on current anti-terrorist activities to restore stability of the country, measures taken to restore the rule of law, seizures of arms and ammunition from terrorists, emphasis placed on combating narcotic drugs, action taken against illegal trade and plans to take effective action against those who sell edible oil and commodities at higher prices above the set ones and officials who are involved in such activities while the secretary of the SAC reported to the Senior General on work done by the SAC and measures taken for coordination of reports from respective regions.

After hearing the reports, the Senior General said there are tasks to be carried out for education, health, economic and regional development by respective regional and state governments as well as by the union level. The needs are being fulfilled step by step. Efforts must be made to generate electricity and to provide infrastructure to manufacture value added products in respective regions and states. The Senior General also discussed other requirements.

In his concluding remarks, the Senior General said the State Administration Council’s ultimate goal is to hold a free, fair multiparty democracy general election. The electoral malpractice that happened in the 2020 Election was an ugly matter for the country. Taking a lesson from it, preparation is being made to ensure the correct voting list. It is necessary to conduct the nation-wide census to ensure the correct voting list. The country conducted a collection of nation-wide census in 2014. In terms of international norms, the census is collected every 10 years. Doing so is helpful to ensuring the correct voting list as well as having data necessary for the development of the country. Therefore, a test collection of census will be conducted starting October and a nation-wide collecting census will be conducted in 2024 as well.

Federalism will be exercised based on a region, not on a race. Internationally, there are different exercises of federalism among the countries. We will exercise federalism in conformity with the situation of our country. We regained independence through the sacrifice of many lives. All the people need to know the true situation of the country. Interests of the nation should be given priority rather than that of a race. It is necessary to focus on building a true union.

Regarding the preparations being made to mark the 8th Anniversary of NCA, the forthcoming October 15 will fall on marking the 8th Anniversary of signing NCA. This must be done with the political essence. All the leaders of ethnic peoples have been invited as being within reach as possible as and foreign nations as well. Some replied they would come and some said they would send their key representatives. Our ethnic peoples’ leaders need to prefer to attend the anniversary event as foreign nations have such a sort of outlook. In Particular, all of the groups who signed the NCA need to attend the event. If non-NCA groups want to have peace, they need to pave a way of peace by attending the anniversary event. Holding hatred will hurt the nation. We are moving forward now as much as we can. We must do it. So, if we are open and have no reason to suspect and clear of grudge, our path of goal will be achieved smoothly. For this, all are urged to work together.

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