Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses Union Government meeting 5/2023 Stresses the need to prove with practical work that serves people’s interest

Nay Pyi Taw September 29

The Union Government held the meeting 5/2023 at State Administration Council Chairman’s Office here this afternoon addressed by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Also present were SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, union ministers, and union level officials. Chief ministers of regions and states attended the meeting through video conferencing.

Systematic management to work and created job opportunities

The Senior General said SAC after restoring the national situation in all aspects is implementing plans for the success of government functions. There was success and progress and also weaknesses. Success depends on the performance. Success will definitely be achieved if the country can unitize its underground and aboveground natural resources and human resources effectively.

Aids and assistance for LDCs are cut off for various reasons. Hence that government has to strive for success through self-reliant efforts. The Senior General expressed thanks to neighbouring countries for their assistance. He said the country must stand on its own feet. Priority must be given to value-adding the local goods. During the early period after the assumption of State duties, SAC could not prioritize economic development. But in the later period, it could pay serious attention to it. The country needs to prove with work and create opportunities to work. The labour force will not be able to work with full energy if there is no innovation and encouragement, but only orders. Energetic work performance and economic development can only be acquired through the generation of job opportunities and support. Hence, the management needs to do its work systematically.

Prove faithfulness with work and systematic management

In assigning the chief ministers, the union ministers and officials, the SAC, since its establishment, has selected persons who have experience in the respective fields and who will be dutiful and assigned them duties with trust on them that they will perform their duties well. Success has been achieved in a short period amidst the sanctions and disturbances. They should improve their confidence and strive to achieve continuous progress ministry wise and region/state wise.

The SAC set up two political goals to strengthen the disciplined multi-party democracy and establish a union based on federalism and two national goals to bring prosperity to the country and ensure food sufficiency, in guaranteeing people to earn their living in a peaceful environment and pursue a worry-free life. The said goals are the national visions that must be implemented continuously. The five-point roadmap was adopted to facilitate the work of implementing the vision. The final goal is to hold a free and fair multiparty general election. The country must gain progress that is greater than that of the past, and the SAC should erect a milestone in history. SAC set up the nine objectives, and SAC members, union ministers and chief ministers must steadfastly implement them without fail. As SAC has the duty to supervise the said points, it is disbursing financial capital from the national economic promotion fund, extending the loan repayment period, increasing financial aids for civil servants. In this way, SAC is energizing the working force. It has the duty to provide systematic management and assistance for ministries and regions and states in enabling them to work well and achieve success.

The Senior General underscored that directors, managing directors, directors general and permanent secretaries assigned in relevant ministries are responsible for scrutinize accomplishment of jobs and progress of work forces. Duties of heads of government departments are important, and they have to steadfastly oversee the implementation of the missions and visions. Departmental heads are able to guarantee the Union ministers. Duty must be assigned to actually workable personnel and they have to do jobs actually. Ministries have to meet with service personnel for clarifying policies of the State, and if so, they will have comprehensive understanding over undertakings of the State with raising the workability. The Senior General unveiled that the government will enumerate the census population in 2024 depending on experiences in enumeration of the test census on 1 October this year. When the firm voter list comes out from the census, preparations will be made for holding the forthcoming multi-party democratic general election. As such, ministries have to explain these work process.

Enhancing agriculture, livestock and manufacturing

Now is time of growing monsoon paddy and other crops. It is necessary to nurture monsoon paddy and other crops for thriving and ensuring boosting production meeting the target. Likewise, efforts must be made for achieving success in livestock sector. An emphasis must be placed on manufacturing products by MSME industries using agricultural and livestock products. Some 45 percent of 72 percent from the rural people of the country are directly engaged in agriculture sector. As other rural people are carrying out agro-based businesses, the majority of citizens are focusing on agriculture tasks. The whole country faces requirements in food security. As only the countries based on agriculture and livestock tasks can meet the food demands, Myanmar has to carry out agriculture and livestock at full capacity.

Although some countries have some 300 percent of double cropping, Myanmar can secure more than 150 percent of double cropping. So, efforts must be made for increasing the double cropping capacity.

Regarding the livestock sector, people consume crops, meat, fish and egg as daily consumption. Myanmar mainly consumes chicken, pork, mutton, beef and fish and breeds them. Myanmar has many requirements due to lack of systematic breeding. If the country engages in systematic breeding, entire people can sufficiently consume meat, fish and egg. So, officials need to supervise systematic measures of agriculture and livestock farming tasks.

Enhancing production capacity to benefit the State

Myanmar is implementing the market economic system. But, factories of ministries are capable of manufacturing. It is necessary to resume operation of factories halted in various reasons. Factories must be repaired and upgraded necessarily. Running the factories can manufacture products. Private factories are also operating businesses. It is necessary to fulfill the requirements of private industries in order to manufacture products at full capacity. The government is encouraging MSME industries for development of the private sector. If private industries, MSME businesses, agriculture and livestock farms for production and ministerial industries can operate production in full swing, they can much benefit the country. Ministries have to achieve success in relevant tasks. If so, State economy will boost.

Union ministries reported on measures of their respective sectors.

In conclusion, the Senior General said that the State Administration Council is always emphasizing enhancement of workability of the State. An emphasis is being placed on welfare of the State service personnel included in the production force of the nation with increasing assistance, welfare measures and allowance. On the other hand, the government is systematically supervising the declining of commodity prices. The government considers to increase cash assistance for State service personnel and it will be released soon. The money remitted by Myanmar citizens working abroad contribute to currency circulation of the State and economic development on one hand. So, arrangements are being made to give more incentives to them.

With regard to spending the finance, the Senior General stressed the need to efficiently spend the finance without wasting in unnecessary projects and surplus finance will be spent on other regional development tasks and public welfare tasks.

It is necessary to strictly scrutinize all measures for success of ministries. All have to serve the interests of the people effectively as an evidence of workability.

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