Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in- Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing receives NCA signatory group led by Kayin national race leader Saw Mutu Sae Poe

Nay Pyi Taw September 30

Start of a new step towards peace and stability in Kayin State and the entire Myanmar

Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing received a group led by Kayin national race leader Saw Mutu Sae Poe at the parlour of Bayingnaung Villa here this morning and discussed matters relating to peace.

Also present together with the Senior General were Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo and senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, Chairman of National Unity and Peace Coordination Committee Lt-Gen Yar Pyae. Saw Mutu Sae Poe was accompanied by former KNU Central Committee member Saw Roger Khin and Chairman of Kawkareik District Pado Shwe Moung.

At the meeting, discussions were centred on the meeting that serves as the reinforcement for peace, baseless rumors about the dissolve of NCA as some EAOs were saying that as the assumption of State duties by the Tatmadaw is against the Constitution, vote rigging at the multi-party general elections that led the Tatmadaw to assume the duties in accord with 2018 Constitution, Tatmadaw’s steadfastness to the Constitution and NCA and its efforts to restore peace in the entire country, Tatmadaw’s overtures to peace dialogue that is always opened for EAOs, the wish of people of Kayin State to pursue a peaceful life, regional peace that will ensure greater progress, peace and socio-economic prosperity that can be achieved through the restoration of peace and stability region wise, Saw Mutu Sae Poe’s continuously responsibility for peace in Kayin State as he is a Kayin national race leader who signed the NCA, and invitation of frank discussions on requirements and constructive ideas for peace, stability and progress of Kayin State.

Saw Mutu Sae Poe and group said if one wants peace he should not apply hate-based actions. He and his group have stood firmly on peace since they signed the NCA. They thanked the Senior General for his patience in steering KNU correctly on the road to peace. They said the Government, the Hluttaw, the Tatmadaw and EAOs signed the NCA in the presence of diplomats from foreign missions including UN, and local witnesses. It is a legal agreement that will last forever.

They expressed belief in NCA and their commitment to it in restoring peace. They said baseless and meaningless statements on NCA are unacceptable, adding, they accept multi-party democracy and love peace and stability. Instead of the armed struggle line, dialogue will be used in restoring peace and stability. Any action or word that may ruin peace is totally unacceptable. The NCA was reached through collective consensus and it is the only way to peace.

The Senior General said the meeting now is believed to be a step towards the peace and stability of Kayin State and then the peace of the whole nation. The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) is the highest agreement of the country as well as a pledge between the government and the ethnic armed organizations. The Constitution is also a pledge or agreement between the State and the people. The Tatmadaw is a part of the State, so it needs to respect the government’s instructions, and the NCA and the Constitution aspired by the people. In advancing national peace, the Tatmadaw will continue to adhere to the NCA and the Constitution. This is why the door is always open to all the EAOs. They can come to make negotiations and discussions or they can invite the Tatmadaw to do so. Such discussions will be arranged in various military commands. The Karen National Union (KNU) is an EAO, whereas the so-called PDFs are terrorist organizations that are harming the lives and property of the people and regional peace and stability. The State Administration Council is working towards national prosperity and food and water security as national goals. Meanwhile, measures are being taken for the promotion of multi-party democracy and the establishment of a Union based on democracy and federalism as two political goals. Continued measures will be taken to hold a multi-party democratic election, the will of the people. Pursuing a democratic system will require many ethnic nationalities and representatives who can represent indigenous peoples and regions to come to the electoral platform. Ethnic Kayin leader Saw Mutu Sae Poe is an ethnic leader who himself participated in and signed the NCA. He is therefore invited to the ceremony to mark the eighth anniversary of the NCA that is going to take place soon.

Then the Senior General, the ethnic Kayin leaders and members discussed openly the conditions under which they could continue on the stronger and stronger path of peace.

After the meeting, the Senior General presented gifts to the ethnic Kayin leaders and members, who returned local products as a gift to him. They then posed for a documentary photo.

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