Nation-wise population and housing census begins; population and housing census of family of Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing enumerated by Ministry of Immigration and Population

NAY PYI TAW October 1

Population and housing census enumeration began today in the entire Myanmar and it will continue for 15 days till 15 October.

Population and housing census of the family of Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing was enumerated this afternoon by an enumeration team led by Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing at the Tatmadaw Guest House in the compound of the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Army).

The Senior General gave complete answers to the questions of the enumeration team that recorded the answers.

The team also conducted population and housing census of the families of SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat, SAC Secretary General Aung Lin Dway, SAC Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo, and SAC member General Maung Maung Aye at their respective homes.

A country adopts policies and plans for the balanced development of its social, economic and management undertakings based on the date collected by census. Normally, a country conducts a population census every ten years.

Data collected and recorded by a census apply not only to the government and the ministries, but also to all the people of a country. They are an essential foundation for multi sectors including political, economic, social, defence and public management sectors from individuals to the entire country. The Ministry of Immigration and Population is the key institution in conducting the census. As the census applies to the entire country, it will achieve success only with the collective involvement of the people.

Continuous availability of correct and precise population and economic statistics in time, adoption of necessary policies, strategies and tactics, following a research and compare of population and economic changes in Myanmar during a tenyear period from 2014 to 2024, provision of necessary indicators for the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan –MSDP to assist the sector-wise projects, provision of support for the strategy for national level statistics sector development of the National Statistics System are the goals of the 2024 population and housing census.

In 2014 census, there were only 41 questions. As for more comprehensiveness of data and information, the 2024 census will ask 27 more questions. So the total number of questions will become 68.

Vivid examples of the additional questions include the main reason for school discontinuation in the education sector, garbage disposal system, sanitation in the housing sector and these questions will be followed by comment asking sections in connection with the way the government will support the public education, health and social sectors. Hence, they will be practically applicable. Enumerators will visit homes to collect census during the day from 7 am to 6 pm, and the date on which the team visits a house will be announced in advance.

Census is unrelated to household form (66/6) or form 10, national registration card, or citizenship. Except from the ones who are not included in the census, all the persons who are within the territory of Myanmar during the census reference period will be enumerated.

There will be no tax and no legal action for any possession known through census enumeration. There is also no need to worry about any family member who is abroad and no action will be taken against him.

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