National Defence and Security Council Meeting 1/2025 of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar held  

NAY PYI TAW January 31

The National Defence and Security Council of the Republic of the Union of   Myanmar held meeting No 1/2025 at the Office of the State Administration Council Chairman in Nay Pyi Taw this morning.

Present were Pro Tem President (Duty) Commander-in-Chief of Defence  Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Union Minister for Defence General Maung Maung Aye, Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe, Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, and specially invited SAC Secretary General Aung Lin Dway and Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo.

The Pro Tem President (Duty) and Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services explained the accomplishments of SAC during the six-month period and the need to continue its duties.

Situation of national defence and security  

The Senior General said according to the then national situation, SAC adopted the effective five-point roadmap and  nine objectives. As regard the first point of the roadmap “An emphasis will be placed on ensuring peace and stability of the whole Union to enjoy the full rule of law so that a free and fair multi-party democratic general election will be held successfully”, he said certain EAOs and PDF terrorists were launching violent attacks on towns and villages, killing people and destroying and looting their property to destroy peace and stability.

Some EAOs taking the situation as an opportunity were trying to expand their territory. During the six months, 383 innocent people/civil servants were killed by various kinds of terrorism and 516 units of national development infrastructure including health/education buildings and public homes were destroyed. During the reporting period KIA terrorist insurgents in collusion with PDFs attacked China-Myanmar border area, Bhamo region, Indaw area in Upper Sagaing Region in Kachin State, KNU terrorist insurgents in collusion with PDFs attacked Kataiti region, Maepali region, Anangwin region, Kawkareil region in Kayin State, AA terrorist insurgents in collusion with PDFs attacked the areas adjoining Magway Region and Rakhine State, Bago Region and Rakhine State, and Ayeyawady Region and Rakhine State in Rakhine State, and CNF terrorist insurgents in collusion with PDFs attacked Mindat, Kanpetlet and Falam in Chin State.

All those terrorist acts were triggered by instigations made through public emotion by some former MPs, whose act of vote rigging led to the cancellation  of the election results in the 2020 general election. EAOs taking the political dilemma as an opportunity and under the pretext of ethnic cause and political cause launched armed attacks.

There were provocations and support for some EAOs and their extreme ideologies in the areas they were active. Fabrications and propagandas were also distributed in cooperation with internal and external media that are against the interest of the country. Instigations were made in tandem to broaden the scope of terrorism in the whole country. There were threats, coercion and pressures against people and civil servants who had reasonable power. Hence, terrorism grew in the whole country, killing public lives and destroying public property more.

But the situation benefits no one. In fact, they were losses for the country. Countries and persons who are making instigations and providing support as  they favour democracy should reconsider their acts. For example, the armed attacks of KNPP and PDF members on Loikaw in the previous year had destroyed the university building, leading to the closure of the university. Forty-four university buildings were damaged and it cost Ks-9 billion to repair them. With this amount, many new primary schools can be built and farming and regional development activities can be carried out. It is calculated just on the  cost of a single university. If the amounts of the remaining universities, schools, markets and public property are added, the total among would reach kyats in billions. Stupid acts under the political pretext only cause regional losses. Security forces made a lot of sacrifices to wipe out the terrorists.

Persons who can bring progress and stability to a region or draw it backward  by destroying peace and stability are no other persons than the locals and terrorists. People in the entire country are condemning the lawless terrorist acts of armed terrorist insurgents and the Tatmadaw is joining hands with people who are in favour of regional peace and stability to stop them.

As regards security, the SAC is implementing the public security system for individual persons and security members to jointly work with security awareness. Public security and anti-terrorism teams have already been formed. So, people should provide information to systematically carry out security functions for regional peace and stability.

As the State Administration Council is implementing two political visions: to strengthen the genuine, disciplined multi-party democratic system and to build a Union based on democracy and federalism, it is necessary to hold an election without fail.

Hence, preparations are being made with utmost efforts to hold the election. The general election must be able to show off the genuine aspiration of the people. According to the election laws and regulations, there is no prescribed minimum number of votes required for an election to be valid. Only the people have to protect the multi-party democratic system the people aspire to. The election must be systematic, free and fair fully and it must be prestigious.

It is necessary to manage eligible voters must not be left as much as possible. To be able to do so, as it is essential for restoring peace and stability in relevant regions, Tatmadaw and security forces are accelerating security measures. As such, all people have to participate in peace and tranquillity of the regions and smooth process of democratization in order to walk on the path of democracy they all aspire to.

Increased production of agriculture and Livestock products

Myanmar focuses  on agriculture and livestock farms. Some 70 percent of population is residing in rural areas. Of them, 45.3 percent of the people are engaged in agriculture, fishery and forestry businesses. More than 50 percent of population has completed education to some extent. So, priority was given to systematic undertaking of agriculture and livestock sectors. According to the climatic conditions, geographical conditions and location, Myanmar is able to successfully operate agriculture and livestock farms.

However, efforts must be made to meet the target production of agriculture and livestock tasks in order to ease high prices of commodities and double and triple the productivity.

Emphasis was placed on raising the production of agriculture and livestock  farms at home and reducing import commodities. Only when the country raises production will its production and services increase. If so, the country can reduce import volume as well as decline spending of foreign exchange. As a result, domestic currency will be strong, resulting in stability of commodity prices.

Hence, supervision is focusing on doubling the production of agriculture and livestock sectors. In order to increase agricultural produce, manufacturing must be operated applying modern technologies with the use of agricultural products. Hence, the Senior General said that he has been touring all parts of the nation to accelerate the MSME businesses since 2022.

Operating MSME needs raw materials. Hence, a policy has been adopted for domestic raw materials. And then, efforts are being made to produce valueadded products, export them, collect inputs, provide financial assistance and recruit human resources. Only when people apply modern technologies in operating agricultural and livestock farming tasks rather than conventional methods will they have high yield production.

Myanmar has planted more than 14.8 million acres of monsoon paddy, over 2.09 million acres of summer paddy, more than 2.1 million acres of maize, over 3.2 million acres of oil crops and more than three million acres of pulses and beans in Myanmar in 2024-2025 cultivation season. It is necessary to meet the target cultivation for paddy and other crops. With regard to livestock breeding, priority must be done to have successful operation of livestock breeding tasks with the use of feeds and water and domestic raw materials systematically. As the country has many sound foundations for production of agriculture and livestock sectors, all the people have to participate in its projects successfully. Especially, arrangements are been made to reduce import of cooking oil in 2026 as it cost over US$-500 million per year. Efforts are being made to meet the target production of sesame and expand cultivation of sunflower to meet the domestic oil demand.

The State Administration Council has formed the Agriculture and Livestock Development Commission, the Industrial Development Commission and the Electric and Energy Development Commission in order to leverage up agriculture and livestock sector, industrial sector and electric and energy sector which are main drives for development of the State.

These commissions have to take responsibilities for development of the primary sectors to improve the country and strive to effectively implement these sectors.
Education Sector

Education is essential for the personal development of each individual, and for a nation, it is only when there is a large number of well-educated people with knowledge and skills that various sectors will be able to develop further. According to the nature of education, it is only after acquiring basic education up to the middle school level that one can continue to learn the skills necessary for personal advancement.

All children of school age should have the opportunity to attend school, as  education is a critical matter. Responsible authorities must ensure that all students receive education up to the highest level, facilitate improvements in  transitions between grade levels, and focus on providing both vocational training and higher education. It is important to prioritize these efforts. Children who are of  school age but not attending school not only suffer in their lives but also hinder the development of their communities and the country. Therefore, for the future of the nation, it is necessary for all children to remain in school and receive an education.

Local administrative organizations, teachers, parents, and town elders must work together to encourage, unite, and support the implementation of this  goal.

It is important to note that over 220,000 applications have already been submitted for the upcoming KG+12 university entrance exams in March. Relevant authorities are ensuring that students are able to take their exams in a calm and systematic manner.

Health Sector

Ensuring public health is essential, as it enables individuals to participate in education, social works, and economic activities. In line with this, the government has adopted the policy of “If there is a hospital, there must be a doctor” and is actively working to upgrade healthcare facilities and ensure the availability of medical professionals in all hospitals.

Natural Disaster Sector In September 2024, heavy rains caused by Typhoon Yagi resulted in widespread flooding across 106 townships in eight states and regions of Myanmar. Reports indicate that the affected areas have not experienced such severe flooding in the past 50 years.He stated that he personally visited the disasteraffected areas to inspect the damage and  casualties, ensuring that rehabilitation efforts could be carried out without delay. During his visit, he met with those affected, offered words of encouragement, and provided essential food supplies.He further stated that he met with officials and experts from the relevant ministries to discuss the causes of the natural disaster and the requirements for reconstruction.

He also implemented strict measures to ensure that relief and rehabilitation efforts were carried out efficiently and without delay.

In terms of assistance, a total of Ks-447.1 million was allocated  for the families of more than 440 individuals who lost their lives in the disaster. Additionally, over Ks-21.2 billion was provided for housing damages, while more than Ks-38.9 billion was allocated for other forms of support. Furthermore, efforts are underway to compile a list of individuals displaced by armed conflicts, with arrangements being made to provide necessary assistance. According to the Natural Disaster Management Law, losses incurred by the public due to violence and armed insurgency are also classified as natural disasters. Therefore, the state will provide assistance to those who have been displaced by armed conflicts. In addition to the government’s vigorous efforts, donors from across the country, as well as local and international organizations, made significant contributions, which enabled rehabilitation and relief efforts to be carried out swiftly and effectively. He stated that he would like to express appreciation for the public’s participation and donations.

He also stated that he would like to express his great pride and joy for the country, as the citizens of Myanmar have supported one another to the best of their ability during this time of natural disasters and challenges, demonstrating a strong spirit of unity and patriotism.

Peace Processes

Since assuming its responsibilities as a state, the SAC has been working towards ending armed conflicts in the country and achieving lasting peace, in alignment with the agreements outlined in the 2008 Constitution and the NCA. He stated that he declared 2022 as the Year of Peace and invited leaders of ethnic armed groups to engage in discussions freely, without any preconditions. Since its formation, the National Unity and Peace Coordination Committee has held 114 peace talks with seven NCA signatories and six non-signatories, met 21 times with political parties, and held 10 meetings with other organizations seeking peace.

Based on the discussions, agreements have been made to address certain  issues in the upcoming parliamentary session, and further discussions will continue to be held to reach additional agreements.

On September 26, 2024, he offered to resolve the political issue through political means, citing the loss of human resources, infrastructure, people’s lives, and property. He stated that free and fair elections can only be held once armed conflicts in the region come to an end. He also stated that he will continue to implement the processes aimed at ending armed conflicts and achieving peace. He emphasized that a political solution can only be achieved through  discussions at the round table, and that he consistently welcomes and remains open to peace talks.

Strengthening the multiparty democracy system and building the union based on democratic and federal systems

The Tatmadaw, in its role as the guardian of the state, has paved the way for the country to move forward along the multiparty democratic path that the people desire, and has worked in partnership with elected governments to strengthen the multi-party democratic system.

As the State Administration Council is implementing the multi-party democratic system as desired by the people, it is inevitable that elections must be held. In the process of conducting elections, laws and regulations related to the  registration of political parties have been issued and amended to allow political parties to participate.

According to the enacted laws, 50 parties applied for re-registration, and 18 new parties sought permission to establish, resulting in a total of 68 registered political parties. Meanwhile, 40 political parties did not apply for re-registration, and under Section 25 of the political party registration law, they automatically became defunct. The Union Election Commission, based on the political parties that applied for reregistration and establishment, has allowed 55 political  parties to register, while two political parties had their registration rights revoked according to the law. As a result, there are currently 53 political parties in existence. The belief is that representatives of ethnic groups need to have a greater role in the political arena to discuss the interests of their respective regions and peoples within the framework of the law, which is why these actions are being carried out.

The Union Election Commission has also held a total of 10 meetings with political parties for discussions. During these meetings, issues related to electoral fraud and illegal practices that occurred in the 2020 multi-party democratic general election, as well as the loss of votes due to the previously used methods in earlier elections, were addressed. To prevent such fraudulent practices, besides the First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) system, a simpler and more suitable Closed List-PR (Proportional Representation) system, which is easier  to implement in Myanmar, was discussed for implementation in the future. Furthermore, discussions took place on the necessary preparations for holding elections, including the strength of political parties, the conditions for opening  party offices, and compliance with the relevant laws and regulations concerning political parties.

Agreements were reached on the actions that need to be carried out, as well as on the rights of both domestic and international election observer groups. It  was emphasized that it is crucial for political parties to implement these agreements in a strong and genuine manner.

In the 2020 elections, members of the NLD party involved in electoral fraud created inflated voter lists and manipulated the results not just in a single constituency but nationwide to illegally secure a victory. It was found that those responsible for the fraud in all districts during the 2020 elections were members of the NLD’s Central Executive Committee (CEC).

Since these CEC members were representatives of the NLD party, it is reasonable to assume that they committed the electoral fraud on behalf of the party.

Preparations for the multiparty democratic general election

I have been managing and organizing efforts from all sectors to ensure the successful conduct of the general election. Even during my overseas trips, I made sure to meet with highranking officials and relevant authorities from other countries to explain the efforts being madeto successfully hold the election.

When meeting with diplomats and officials from international organizations visiting Myanmar, I also clarified the preparations for the election. As a result of these clear explanations, the international community fully supported the election we are organizing.

To ensure that all citizens who have the right to vote are able to cast their votes and receive national identity verification cards, we implemented Pankhin project plans 1, 2, and 3, successfully issuing national identity verification cards to a total of 5,980,664 people. Additionally, we are continuing to work to ensure that the remaining citizens receive their identity cards before the election period.

Furthermore, the Union Election Commission has been working to ensure that voters can cast their votes easily and clearly, that election results are accurate, that invalid votes are avoided, that electoral fraud is prevented, and that there is transparency. To achieve this, we have been conducting demonstrations and practical testing related to the Myanmar Electronic Voting Machine.

Situation of the population and household registration list collection

In general, obtaining accurate voter lists is crucial for the successful conduct of elections. Therefore, from October 1 to 15, 2024, the population and household registration list was collected. Due to security and transportation conditions, the collection period was extended in some areas. The process of collecting the registration list brings significant benefits to the country, as the information gathered can be used to implement important national projects that are in the country’s best interests.

According to the preliminary population list from the 2024 population and household registration, the population of Myanmar on the night of September 30, 2024, was 51,316,756 (over 51.3 million). From the collected list, the population was 32,191,407 (over 32.19 million), while the estimated population in areas where the list could not be collected was 19,125,349 (over19.1 million). The registered list indicates that the male population was 15,105,215 (over 15  million) and the female population was 17,086,192 (over 17 million), accounting for 46.9 percent and 53.1 percent, respectively. The current population data will  be systematically compiled into accurate voter lists according to electoral procedures.

It has been observed that the population of our country has slightly decreased compared to 10 years ago. Population changes can occur due to three main factors: birth rates, death rates, and migration. When comparing the size of our country with the current population registration, it can be inferred that the population is relatively small. In order for the country to develop and progress, it is necessary to have an appropriate population size and a suitable annual population growth rate. Therefore, efforts must be continued to increase the birth rate and reduce the death rate through improvements in education and healthcare. Regarding migration, it is essential to ensure the stability and development of the country’s economic and political conditions. To achieve the ideal population size for our country, policies aligned with national needs and priorities will be continuously developed and implemented.

Holding a Multi-Party Democratic General Election

The Union Election Commission is preparing to hold a multiparty democratic general election in line with the 2008 Constitution and election laws, contingent on the security situation in each region. To ensure the election is free, fair, and transparent, international election observers will be invited, and effortswill be made to  maintain accurate voter lists. To promote broad representation of ethnic groups and the general public in the newly formed parliament, the proportional representation (PR) electoral system will be implemented in polling stations and relevant organizations representing ethnic groups.

Voting in elections is the free expression of the will of each citizen. It is the responsibility of the state government to ensure that all those who have the right to vote can vote, and whether or not to vote is a matter of individual choice. We must work to avoid injustices such as threats, coercion, arbitrary incitement and group influence. Therefore, the State Administration Council is making serious efforts to hold a multi-party democratic general election that is complete and in accordance with the law and public opinion, to ensure that all citizens who will vote are free from injustices and to have a dignified and fair  election. The general election needs to be an election that reflects the views of the majority of the people.

In order to quickly achieve a multi-party democracy, there needs to be peace and stability in the community. Therefore, we must continue to work together with the public to achieve the  success of the current public security system.

We have learned from the events we have experienced in Myanmar and other countries around the world that when a country transitions from one system to another, we must approach and adopt a system that is suitable for our country based on its geographical location, national characteristics, culture, and time. Otherwise, if we follow the internationally set standards or pressure from powerful countries, it can further worsen stability. For example, some countries have imposed systems that are incompatible with their countries and have held general elections in a hurry due to pressure, and have not achieved political stability to this day and are struggling amidst various crises. Only the people living in that country know the internal situation of their country best. Currently, our country has also experienced political change due to the 2020 election fraud, and we are making every effort to successfully implement the steps we need to take to return the country to the path of democracy in  accordance with the people’s wishes. Only the people of Myanmar will decide the national affairs of Myanmar. We will continue to focus on the reform  processes we are implementing and the political situation based on the internal situation in our country rather than international and other pressures.

The State Administration Council is making efforts to correct the democratic  path that was disrupted by the 2020 election. In doing so, individuals and organizations that did not try to resolve the problems that arose from politics through political means chose to use armed and terrorist means, which is why the country is experiencing terrorist attacks today. Some ethnic armed groups are also working to gain power in their territories rather than following the path of multi-party democracy. Therefore, the government is making efforts to maintain the stability of the security sector of the country, and has made strenuous efforts to develop the economic and social sectors of the country.

Progress has been made but there are still many challenges to successfully holding the general election that we all aim for. In particular, there is a need  for stability and peace to ensure that the general election can be held in a free and fair manner.

To sustain progress on the aforementioned tasks without losing momentum, an extension of the term of duty by six months is requested in accordance with the Constitution.

Then, members of the National Defence and Security Council discussed the report of the Senior General and Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw said it was learnt that the Union Election Commission has been placing emphasis on making all-round preparations to hold a free and fair multi-party democracy general election successfully and cooperating with relevant ministries to ensure that voter’s lists are complete and correct.

In addition to ensuring complete and correct voter’s lists, it is necessary to compile detailed lists for respective voting booths and to make systematic  preparations to enable constituents to cast their votes properly. As there are so many preparatory processes, it is necessary to take time to implement them step by step. Therefore, it is recommended that the period for declaration of the state of emergency in the entire country be extended for six months as of 1 February, 2025.

Afterward, Deputy Commander- in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win took part in the discussions, saying stability is vital for successfully holding a multi-party democracy general election, which is the ultimate objective of the SAC.

In connection with stability, security is a major factor and situations in Kachin, Kayin, Rakhine and Chin states have been reported. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to take measures for stability and security of the areas. As it is necessary to ensure stability not only in border areas but also in towns, it is important to continue to implement the public security system. As it will take time to continue to restore stability and security, the extension of the state of emergency for six months is recommended.

Then, Union Minister for Defence General Maung Maung Aye said measures are still being taken systematically to hold  a free and fair multi-party democracy general election at present. It is necessary to ensure security and stability in the country more effectively to hold the multi-party general election successfully. Moreover, it is also necessary to carry out the remaining tasks to hold the election. Therefore, the extension of the state of emergency is recommended.

Afterward, Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Yar Pyae reported on deaths and injuries of government staff, administrative officials, monks, and students due to violence, seizures arms and ammunition and act of terror of armed insurgents during the period from 1 August,  2024 to 27 January, 2025 and recommended the extension of the state of emergency in the entire country in accordance with the constitution due to abnormal conditions in security, stability, the rule of law and tranquility of wards and villages caused by acts of terror in the country.

Then, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe reported on Myanmar’s diplomatic relations with respective countries in the world, efforts for strengthening of military and civilian ties, development of international relations and military and civilian cooperation during the term of the SAC, recognition of the international community  that Myanmar affairs should be addressed by Myanmar through the Myanmar way, positive points of view and support of countries which have engaged with Myanmar for holding a free and fair multi-party democracy general election in Myanmar and recommended the extension of  the state of emergency, citing the time needed for promotion of cooperation in international relations and holding a free and fair multi-party  democracy general election.

Afterward, Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung said it can be seen that various achievement were made in respective sectors such as the implementation of the five-point road map of the SAC, the peace process, conducting the population and household census and it is necessary to take time to continue to keep the momentum of such achievements and to hold a free and fair multi-party democracy general election successfully, the last objective of the SAC. Therefore, the extension of the state of emergency in the entire country for six month is recommended.

Then, the Senior General said all members of the National Defence and Security Council unanimously recommended and approved the extension of the state of emergency for six months, due to tasks currently carried out by the country and the political situation declared that the state of emergency in the entire country is extended for another six months as of 1 February, 2025 in accordance with the constitution. Then, the meeting concluded.

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