Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min  Aung Hlaing addresses work coordination meeting of Union government  Necessary preparation of officials and political parties that will participate in election required for successful holding of multiparty general election  

NAY PYI TAW February 3

The Union government held a work coordination meeting at the meeting hall of State Administration Council Chairman’s Office here this morning, addressed by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Also present were SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, union ministers, union level dignitaries, and officials.

The Nay Pyi Taw Council chair and region/state chief ministers attended the meeting through video conferencing.

Practical supervision of region/state governments required for successful running of functions

In his keynote address, the Senior General said SAC held the meeting to accelerate the functions of the reformed cabinet and region/state chief  ministers.

SAC is implementing the adopted objectives and roadmap for the success of undertakings for peace and stability, economic development and social and health sectors. Normally, they are the policies of a government for the betterment of its country.

Region/state governments should conduct practical supervision to ensure that the leadership and guidelines of the Union government for work accomplishment are strictly followed.

Collective efforts for success of two national visions

The government has adopted the two national visions –national prosperity and ample amount of food. As the visions are also the fundamental requirement for every country, they must be successfully realized through united efforts. National development is measured by GDP and the calculating process needs correct figures and data.

There are three sectors – agricultural sector, industrial sector and service sector for GDP growth. Myanmar is a country with a small GDP among the ASEAN member states. Even its production of the agricultural sector is weaker than others. In this regard, the country must provide support for progress of agricultural production, as it will lead to GDP growth. It will have to generate opportunities for increasing per capita income and GDP growth. The country has good foundations for economic development, and it needs a successful functioning farming sector to develop its economy.

Encouragement is given to realize the per acre yield target and improve the yield of oil crops. The government should be aware of the fact that it can reduce foreign exchange expenditure to a large degree through ensuring edible oil selfsufficiency.

It is necessary for regional and state governments to spend budget allocations within the designated timeframe properly and beneficially.

Research must be conducted to enhance the development of agricultural, farming, and MSME products

Efforts should be directed toward ensuring that domestically grown and produced agricultural goods meet international standards for export.

MSME manufacturing activities should focus on producing highquality products using locally sourced raw materials. Exporting finished goods rather than raw materials would yield greater economic benefits. To advance the agriculture and MSME sectors, it is essential to conduct production and market research in collaboration with relevant farmers, manufacturers, and regional and state government officials. Likewise, research should be carried out in coordination with relevant authorities to secure access to foreign markets.

Research is necessary to enhance the production of regionally unique agricultural products. For instance, efforts should be made to improve the quality and yield of crops such as mangoes, plums, coffee, and other locally grown fruits.

Research must be conducted to ensure that local species are preserved and do not become extinct.Efforts should be made to increase the production of industrial crops, including cotton, bamboo, rubber, and other agricultural products such as beans, corn, sunflower, and sesame, as these have potential markets in foreign countries.

It is also essential to develop livestock farming activities tailored to each region, focusing on breeding animals that are suited to local conditions, and to implement systematic livestock farming practices as a priority.

Those responsible must ensure that activities in the breeding zones are conducted at appropriate rates specific to each zone, rather than being carried out superficially.Agriculture and livestock farming are highly beneficial not only to individuals but also to the region and the country. It is essential for everyone to collaborate in ensuring the success and development of these industries.

It is crucial to identify ideal villages, towns, and districts to boost the production of farming, and MSME products across regions and states.By offering exemplary awards for farming products produced in the region, other villages, townships, and districts will be encouraged to follow suit.It is essential for various government organizations to systematically document their activities, strengths, and weaknesses, as these records will serve as historical references in the future.

Education, health sectors being promoted

Educated human resources are indispensable for development of industries based on agriculture and livestock breeding.

Efforts must be made to reopen schools that are closed for various reasons in the upcoming academic year. Responsible officials are required to take measures to enable students to take their examinations in peace of mind and to beneficially spend their summer holidays.

Moreover the government has  opened polytechnic universities in four states and regions including Nay Pyi Taw as a measure for education promotion. Plans are underway to open a university that will conduct courses on combination of agriculture and livestock breeding in Ayeyarwady Region in the upcoming academic year. Similarly, a polytechnic institute will be built in Nay Pyi Taw Council area with the aim of providingeducation services for offspring  of government employees.

In the same way as the education sector is promoted, the sports sector must be boosted.

It is necessary to set high records of athletes by organizing sports competitions and to keep records properly. Promoting sports will

revitalize patriotism and the love for the country.

In connection with the health sector, it is necessary to fulfill the needs in accordance with the policy of assigning doctors to each and every hospital. In addition to healthcare services, healthcare personnel are required to help local residents in one way or another for their education and social development.

Local administrative officials are required to fulfill the food and accommodation needs of teachers and healthcare personnel in remote areas as much as possible.

In addition to education and health of citizens, the government discussed destruction of natural disasters, their causes and reconstruction tasks with officials from relevant ministries and experts and supervised the efforts to carry out relief and reconstruction tasks as effectively and quickly as possible.

Moreover, as losses of the people due to terrorist acts and armed insurgency are included in natural disaster definition, according to the Natural Disaster Management Law, the government will provide assistance to internally displaced persons due to fighting and is currently collecting statistics. It is necessary to make concerted efforts to include all IDPs in respective areas, not to leave any of them during the collection of statistics and to offer assistance to them effectively on the ground.

Online gambling, related crimes to be cracked down resolutely

There were problems in the country due to illegal online gambling and scams (Kyar- Phyant) and effective action was taken against them. The international community has paid attention to the problem and the government has cooperated with the international community actively and comprehensively to crack down on such crimes. Responsible officials at different levels in regions and states and areas are required to address the problem by preventing and cracking down on online gambling and scam and other crimes resolutely without fail. As effective action will be taken not only against those who are involved in narcotic drugs and other crimes in addition to such crimes but also against officials who are involved in such crimes in their relevant areas, emphasis must be placed on observance of the law.

To hold multi-party democracy general election successfully, responsible officials, political parties that will participate in election are required to make preparations

In connection with elections, holding a multi-party democracy general election is the ultimate objective of the SAC. Measures will be taken for participation of those who represent national races and social classes in the Hluttaw that will emerge from the general election comprehensively.

Political parties are required to make necessary preparations. It is necessary to ensure security and stability to launch election campaigns.

The government is required to systematically work out necessary preparations for the success of the election in accordance with the law. Region and state chief ministers and officials are required to study laws related to election thoroughly and comprehensively. It is necessary for political parties to make necessary preparations.

Elections for three levels of legislatures including Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw and Pyidaungsu Hluttaw were conducted in accordance with the law. Measures are being taken to use Myanmar Electronic Voting Machines to prevent voting irregularities, to enable constituents to cast their votes easily, to get correct election results, to prevent vote rejections and irregularities and to ensure transparency.

Reports submitted

Afterward, the chairman of Nay Pyi Taw Council and chief ministers from regions and states submitted reports to the Senior General and the meeting Concluded.

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